Woot, mission finally accomplished. I thought with my last posting that was the highest point for me and DDO, but alass, its been topped.
Now I know I'm not the first ever to do this (though, after have finally completing it, I understand what other have gone through to complete this raid on elite). However I take great pide in this accomplishment and felt it was worthy enough to share. While some may say that 'many' have solo the reaver, but based on my findings this is untrue. I would say under 20 and 20 being a very generous number, but by my count only about 12-15 or so that I've been able to find so I still feel that worthy of being mentioned.
Again, huge thanks for to the Diggers Union.
Link for proof:
Items pulled:
Stormreavers Napkin
Not that I have much use for them (not proficient with the morningstar, and already have a napkin), but at least they weren't 2 shields like my normal run
Thanks for looking, and as for you Argonauts I look foreward to seein you guys in a couple weeks. Will be heading out on vacation the day before the servers merge so hopefully everything will go smoothly.
See you on Mabar (and soon to be Argonessen)