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Thread: New Raid Loot

  1. #1
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    Default New Raid Loot

    Will rock. Too many **** nay sayers. Most of you havn't factored in the bonus. You're all too woried about not being able to solo for your Torque.

    It's gonna rock. That is all. Thank you Turbine.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knightrose View Post
    Will rock. Too many **** nay sayers. Most of you havn't factored in the bonus. You're all too woried about not being able to solo for your Torque.

    It's gonna rock. That is all. Thank you Turbine.
    Got my Torqs, Rings, Bracers, Circlets, Shields, Armours and on and on...

    This really won't affect me much... in the end... I'll still get what I want will me friends... but how will this change help those who don't Raid daily?

  3. #3
    Stormreach Mentor ccheath776's Avatar
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    Not naysaying but I think this new system is a sneaky way to have player reqwuirements for raids.

    If its a 1 in 6 chance. Call me dumb but what if you have less than 6. Does that mean no loot will ever drop. See what I mean?

    Its a roundabout way that turbine may be putting in a 6 man requirement for raid loot to drop and just didnt word it that way.

    Right now its only words but I think IMO turbine is saying in a stealthy way.
    You must have 6 for one peice to drop and 12 for 2 to drop.
    If you solo, you wll not get any special raid loot. ever.

    Thats what I am getting from this. Now I could be totally wrong, hopefully I am because the outcry against that would be massive. But that remains to be seen.
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  4. #4
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    It's all statistics. Having 6 people does not guarantee a drop and having 12 does not guarantee getting 2 drops. You could have a 12 man group that gets zero raid items, or gets 12 raid items. What Turbine IS doing is making it more beneficial loot-wise to have more people in your raids. The more people you have in your party, the greater the chance that you will get the elite loot. Raids are meant to have 6-12 people and I think this change will encourage people to group more rather than solo/duo/trio stuff.
    Last edited by foxfire; 08-01-2007 at 11:20 PM.

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  5. #5
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knightrose View Post
    Will rock. Insert fact-devoid statement here. Too many logical, intelligent nay sayers. Most of you haven't factored in the totally lame bonus you'll get instead of raid loot 5/6 times. You're all too worried about not being able to solo for your Torque. I can't do it so you shouldn't either.

    It's gonna rock because I failed math class. That is all. Thank you Turdbin.
    Last edited by Gol; 08-01-2007 at 11:26 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by foxfire View Post
    It's all statistics. Having 6 people does not guarantee a drop and having 12 does not guarantee getting 2 drops. You could have a 12 man group that gets zero raid items, or gets 12 raid items. What Turbine IS doing is making it more beneficial loot-wise to have more people in your raids. The more people you have in your party, the greater the chance that you will get the elite loot. Raids are meant to have 6-12 people and I think this change will encourage people to group more rather than solo/duo/trio stuff.

    Personally, I like the change.
    Having more people in the group means the group will get more raid loot, but your individual toons won't... if there are fewer than 12 people in your raid group, your group will be getting LESS raid loot than its getting now (Just according to the numbers). When I PUG raids, everyone gets to pick ONE of the loot items to roll on. Some people don't roll at all because the loot doesn't help them. So, on my last raid run, the Stormreaver's Napkin dropped and only 3 people (out of the 12) rolled on it and only 4/12 rolled for the reaver gloves. (I liked 1/3 or 1/4 odds better than 1/6 and I got to pick from the 2 items for the one I wanted to roll on which was good because those reaver gloves wouldn't have helped me at all...)

    I think people are forgetting that bringing more people will NOT help individuals get more raid loot and will NOT increase the chance that you personally will get any more raid loot. I don't see this 'improvement' will cause groups to bring more people along because having more people will NOT increase YOUR chances of getting more loot. The math shows LESS raid loot for everyone than the current system.

  7. #7
    Community Member Havok34's Avatar
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    Default To all the naysayers

    Give it a chance.

    I don't care what system they came up with. You will have players complaining about each and every one that is developed.

    Current system. Constant threads about how it is broken.

    New system about to be introduced. Before anyone has seen it in action, thread after thread how they don't like it.

    See it in action, post your results on the forums. Lets see how it works.

    The part that has me interested is the statement: 'Otherwise, a standard treasure from the maximum treasure table appropriate for that raid will be generated for that character.'

    Maximum treasure table? Interesting. Once Mod 5 is out, lets see what is generated from the Reaver, DQ, and Titan. Then discuss how it is working or not.

    The amount of how this isn't going to work reminds me of the HV debate. Did anything change that before it was released? Nope.

    Just my two cents.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanRogue View Post
    Having more people in the group means the group will get more raid loot, but your individual toons won't... if there are fewer than 12 people in your raid group, your group will be getting LESS raid loot than its getting now (Just according to the numbers). When I PUG raids, everyone gets to pick ONE of the loot items to roll on. Some people don't roll at all because the loot doesn't help them. So, on my last raid run, the Stormreaver's Napkin dropped and only 3 people (out of the 12) rolled on it and only 4/12 rolled for the reaver gloves. (I liked 1/3 or 1/4 odds better than 1/6 and I got to pick from the 2 items for the one I wanted to roll on which was good because those reaver gloves wouldn't have helped me at all...)

    I think people are forgetting that bringing more people will NOT help individuals get more raid loot and will NOT increase the chance that you personally will get any more raid loot. I don't see this 'improvement' will cause groups to bring more people along because having more people will NOT increase YOUR chances of getting more loot. The math shows LESS raid loot for everyone than the current system.

    Loot can be redistrubted/traded if need be. Although, some people might be more inclined to be selfish with the new loot system...

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by foxfire View Post
    Loot can be redistrubted/traded if need be. Although, some people might be more inclined to be selfish with the new loot system...
    Same is true under the old system... don't see how the new system fixes that.

  10. #10
    Community Member Dragonhyde's Avatar
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    Actually I do not think that this will mean people will want to invite more people for the loot chance unless you talk about guild groups. If a guild consistently sent out lets say 3 groups of 4 to run dq then it is most likely that they would make one guild raid of 12 if the runs were only to get guildies loot. But going outside your normal guild/friend groups would carry on as normal some people do it regularly while others never have and never will. I doubt that someone who was soloing would bring in others (from outside their circle of friends) just to increase loot drops as there is no benefit. For that person it is still one out of six chances...pugs do not increase that chance only the chance that you would see it drop. Just like if you run pop with 2 people the chances you would see a named item pulled is less likely than if you take six.
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  11. #11
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    The current system has a HUGE benifit if you can short man the raid. The less players to divide the two raid items among, the better.

    This excludes a great many players from raids, even if they are very competent players. Including more than 2 players in the raid simply reduces the chance of you getting raid loot.

    Turbine has tried to address this issue and make raids accessable to more people. These changes reduce the benifit of short manning the raids and actually encourage you to involve more people.

    As compensation more loot has been added. In a 12 man raid there is a 63% chance you will see as much or more raid loot ie >=2 raid items. [is a binomial distribution].

    The chance of less raid loot items is balanced by the extra chest and chance at more than 2 raid items.

    The only players hurt are those whom short man the raids. Some guilds who had raid loot systems may have to also adjust.

    So it appears to me a good change; if more people can access raids and get some loot if they do not get a raid item.

    While the only down side is to players who short man.

    Or am I missing something?
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    Or am I missing something?
    Using your numbers, 37% of the time you will see less loot in chests. In the end, if you 12 man every run, you will see the SAME amount of loot as you see now. (That loot will just be split among more people is all, assuming people DO 12 man every raid...)

  13. #13
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    give it a chance? its MATH!
    100% math, nothing needs to be tried.
    it is an inferior system, 100%. YOU GET LESS LOOT, its that simple.
    under old system there is an average of x players per raid, each raid drops 2 items. Now unless your trying to tell me that X=12 (you'd be ******** if you made an attempt) the new system will mean less raid loot being dropped.

    grade 4 math people, common.
    If they increase the percentage of items that drop it will be better.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gol View Post
    Wrong just changed to your own limited opinion

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  15. #15
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    Thumbs up

    Agreed might need some minor tweaking but over all I love it

    Beware the Sleepeater

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by foxfire View Post
    Loot can be redistrubted/traded if need be. Although, some people might be more inclined to be selfish with the new loot system...
    Exactly if I cant use it I am for sure not going to take it and if a friend or guildie can use it more then I can then most likely its theirs if noone can use it then I will sell it as I am not one of the richest in pp. If someone wants to offer me something for it great if not fine if they really need it and I dont then its proably theirs.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TechNoFear View Post
    The current system has a HUGE benifit if you can short man the raid. The less players to divide the two raid items among, the better.

    This excludes a great many players from raids, even if they are very competent players. Including more than 2 players in the raid simply reduces the chance of you getting raid loot.

    Turbine has tried to address this issue and make raids accessable to more people. These changes reduce the benifit of short manning the raids and actually encourage you to involve more people.

    As compensation more loot has been added. In a 12 man raid there is a 63% chance you will see as much or more raid loot ie >=2 raid items. [is a binomial distribution].

    The chance of less raid loot items is balanced by the extra chest and chance at more than 2 raid items.

    The only players hurt are those whom short man the raids. Some guilds who had raid loot systems may have to also adjust.

    So it appears to me a good change; if more people can access raids and get some loot if they do not get a raid item.

    While the only down side is to players who short man.

    Or am I missing something?
    Not that I can see only ones really complaining are the ones who always do.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanRogue View Post
    Using your numbers, 37% of the time you will see less loot in chests. In the end, if you 12 man every run, you will see the SAME amount of loot as you see now. (That loot will just be split among more people is all, assuming people DO 12 man every raid...)
    So by your math 63% of the time you will see as much or more loot how is that bad?

    Beware the Sleepeater

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanRogue View Post
    Same is true under the old system... don't see how the new system fixes that.
    It prevents one jerk from deciding or just taking all the loot himself.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    Not that I can see only ones really complaining are the ones who always do.
    Do the math... this change means either A)Same amount of loot as you get now or B) Less loot than you see now.

    Either way, you WON'T be seeing MORE loot than you see now! I don't like the change because I see raid loot so rarely and the change will mean it will be LESS likely that I will see it in the future! (Just going by the math!)

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