Alright, as a disclaimer, let me say I do not agree with the new system at all.
It's obvious that the developers realize that the current raid system discourages taking casual players and newer players on raids.
To that end they believe, rightfully so, that the new system will encourage raid groups to have these players sign on.
I understand at least, the intent of the idea, but not the implementation.
Lets start with these assumptions:
To me, if feels like the "hardcore" players are paying $15 per month to to train newbies and casual players to raid.
- The "hardcore" players are able to do the raid with less people than the average "casual" player
- The "hardcore" player has nothing to do except raid and loot run.
Teaching people to play the game is well and good, but players should be able to choose.
Even worse, then intent of getting more casual players to raid is completely overshadowed by what I believe is going to be the sequence of events in many raids.
Provided the "hardcore" players don't simply leave because raids are no longer worth their time, and that's all they do in the game now...
I'm well aware this is a fairly worst case scenario, but it's a situation that likely will happen, and will taint the enjoyment of the game for all parties involved.
- Recruit some PUGs
- Inform them to sit in the raid and /death, as they are more of a liability than help.
- Do the raid, raise the PUGs.
- Loot the chest
- Optionally, verbally barrage them for loot.
You can word the new raid system 2 ways, which has been repeated many times already.
"The new raid system rewards larger raid groups, and encourages casual player grouping"
"The new raid system gives the largest raid groups the same chance to get the same # of raid items as ANY raid now, and forces players to drag "casual" players through the raid or encourages their exploitation."