All this makes me laugh. A lot.
I can, to some point, understand the frustration of some ppl that were used to only raid and loot cuz we're stuck in the high end content ad vitam eternam. But c'mon... you're all responding in a pure selfish way. (Here I'm not responding directly to the OP but to all the people whinning about "bouhouhou I'm gonna have to take casual players" *snif*

At some point we've ALL been some freakin noob don't you think? And after some ppl were "crazy" enough to take some time to show you this and that, you've been able to go on raids by yourself since then no?
So what is the difference between these "noobs" and you when you were one too, so that the elite players think they're so highly superior to everyone else that no one can learn as fast as them? lol
Ppl are just too lazy to explain properly. They try to summarize a whole raid in one sentence and then go nuts when a "noob" do a mistake, for something he had no idea but that you took for granted he would know. That's just very lame... and preventing some players to get to this level of fun is even worst.
Remember this is a game?? Everyone is in there for the same prupose, have some fun. And everyone pays the same freakin amount of $$ for it, no matter if you consider yourself a better player than everyone else, your cash isn't worth more you know!
If any of the elite players can't, even occasionally (not everyday!!), take a few new players to show them the way it should works, I'm sorry to inform you you're a very poor addition to your community/server!
As far as I know, I doubt there's 15,000 new DDO players everyday uh... so if people were cool enough to show the other ones how to survive in the more difficult raids, you'd just have more potential allies for later runs and always less "noobs" around.
So in the're all whinning for a situation you're creating yourselves!