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  1. #1
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default New Raid Loot Mechanic: Who are the ad wizards that came up w/ this one?

    I've got nothing meaningful to post........but here I am anyway.

    Actually, there is one thing left for me to say.

    If people think that this will help pug raids, b/c guilds or groups will look for a few "fillers" to increase named drops on a whole, I think those folks are sorely mistaken.

    Do people think that regular short man raid groups are going to risk having the raid fail b/c they just wanted filler bodies in there? No, I think small raid group will bite the bullet and continue short manning it.....maybe inviting folks that they know, but they definitely won't put up an LFM for more bodies. Why invite someone who may cause the raid to fail, just so the chances of named loot dropping increase? Sure, the chance of that loot dropping increases, but by adding more folks, that's just more people who have the chance to gain items as well.

    I'm sorry, I just don't see this helping pug raids, or raids getting bigger, at all.
    Last edited by Mhykke; 08-01-2007 at 04:07 PM.

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