Originally Posted by
It penalizes excellence and rewards mediocrity. This is class warfare pure and simple. If I work hard and make more money than someone who had 15 kids and was a high school drop-out should I be penalized so that they "feel" better about themselves?
No. If we're good enough to do it short-handed, then golly gee I SHOULD be able to have a higher rate of pulling stuff.
You talk about not being in the "chosen elite" are you freaking kidding me? If you're not good enough to be there, then you won't be. This DOES penalize exclusion. On a Dragon raid, we do it 4 man style. I'm **** pround that we are able to, and by all rights our 50% chance of getting raid loot is EARNED by us. This is a flailing attempt to make every one feel "good" about having a better chance...I raise the BS flag. If you need 12 folks to do it, then great you get a 1 in 6 chance of pulling something. If you CAN do it solo, them by golly you SHOULD get them both. Changing the game in midstride isn't good, I don't like it. I'm not leaving (yet). I am a DnD fan not an MMO fan so hopefully they'll have a DDO Faerun sooner rather than later I can bail to.