"I applaud your decision to change the raid loot mechanic. As a casual gamer, it will be nice to be able to get something from running a raid instead of a hefty repair bill and crushed dreams. After spending an hour getting a party together to run the pre/raid, not to mention the time it takes for the required quests to even get to the raid, then spending an hour or more on the raid itself, beating the end boss, it would be nice to walk away with something to show for our efforts. These "elite" few throw statistics, and percentages, and other crazy numbers, all relating on how it isn't fair, or how you are a bad company destined for eternal damnation in the nether regions of hades. Rage! Rage! Rage! against the dying of the light! RRRRRRAAAAerrrrrrrrrRRRRR!!! *ahem*. Anyway, thank you again for this change, as well as the other great changes."
Joe Casual Gamer
"I want to personally condemn you the the 9th level of Hades, to be forever burned for your utter incompetence. This new loot mechanic is horrible! and I think that you should change it to match what *I* tell you to. I pay my 15$ a month and I should get a say in what you do and how you conduct your game. This Raid Loot change is totally going to nerf my newer builds, and make me run quests over and over again, just to get something I want. The fact that I already run these quests over and over again to get something i want, when it doesn't drop for me, is irrelevant. I now only have a 16% chance of getting my raid drop. With that percentage, I can't inflate my ego or be able to laud my uberness over other gamers. You have made the raids harder, so much so that I'll have to 8 man the raid and not 4 man it. On top of that, you are forcing me to group to play a group based game. I have paid my 15$ and i don't think you should be allowed to do this. This is intolerable, and I think i'm going to cancel my subscription! You've ruined DDO! Again!"
Henry Powergamer
Does that about sum it up? Feel free to discuss.