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Thread: dear Turbine:

  1. #21
    Community Member Gypsy_Mouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit View Post
    NO! I don't want something out of a chest or a vorpal for that matter. When I raid VON 5&6 it is because I want a specific raid item. If I just want something then I will go run POP because it take a lot less time to run.
    And you must be another one of those, "I built my XX with XX from the Dragon, XX from DQ, XX for the Titan, and XX from the Reaver in mind! Now I can't get them as soon as I want them?!? W.TF!?!?!!!!!11eleventyoneBBQ!

    Do you score a piece of raid loot each time you raid?
    Well now they're at least guaranteeing you'll get A piece of loot.

    I'm all for loot. I don't give a rat's ass what kind of loot it is.
    aka ~The Jelly Bean Slinger

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  2. #22
    Community Member rnor6084's Avatar
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    "Suppose Joe Casual finally gets up the courage and dedication to assemble a team of 6 other players and they go beat the Warforged Titan raid for the first time for any of them."

    Ok, i think you take this game a bit too seriously. It takes absolutely no courage to go do a Warforged Raid. I mean, you are pushing buttons on a keyboard and making a silly little cartoon run around. Give me a flippin' break. What is courageous about that?? Go join the Marines or Army. That takes REAL LIFE courage.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Mouse View Post
    Uhh, because you still get something out of the chest, even if it isn't a piece of raid loot.

    I think a lot of people are missing that.
    Yea, and you are forgetting that there are 1 or 2 other chests right by the raid loot chest, so you already got your random, usually garbage, loot.
    Argonnessen | Legendary Knights of Mabar | Couresan | Courage | Plat | Torgo

  4. #24
    Community Member Gypsy_Mouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oronisi View Post
    Yea, and you are forgetting that there are 1 or 2 other chests right by the raid loot chest, so you already got your random, usually garbage, loot.
    So now when I don't get any raid loot, I'll get at least one more piece of garbage loot to sell.

    Sounds good to me.
    aka ~The Jelly Bean Slinger

    Then darkness would eat me. Cold would devour me.
    I would die naked beneath a blackthorn, keening for the missing moon.

  5. #25
    Community Member rnor6084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draclaud View Post
    You folks who are all giddy about this are giddy because you have felt slighted. Is it a good idea to rob people who have found a better way to do things so that you can feel better about yourselves?

    "yah! go get em Turbine you fix those uber raid loot guys! You FORCE em to take me along even though I'm a putz..."

    Right...Good idea...Tourque the most loyal of the base for the sake of the loud people...great idea...

    For all of you wanting things to equal, it's not. It shouldn't be. Better, smarter players should be allowed to have a leg up if they're smart enough and abitious enough to do it. Rather than making everything equal then no one can succeed. Need evidence? In Cuba and Soviet Russia people were all equal, and no one was rewarded for excelling...gee works great huh?
    How in the world someone compares a stupid video game to Cuba and Russia i just dont know. It has no comparison whatsoever to REAL LIFE!!

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Mouse View Post
    And good for you! But some of us aren't able to short man raids to twink our characters.
    You are telling me that you can't get 5-6 lvl 14 players to beat the SR, Dragon, DQ? These quests are not that difficult and I am far from being an "uber" player.

    So the new mechanic will help us who get screwed out of raid loot all the time and rain a little on your powergaming experience. Sorry, but I'm not that sorry.
    Umm, I still haven't figured this out. How is this new raid system going to help you get raid loot? It does nothing more then force people to play in groups of 12 to greater the chance of raid loot dropping and basically randomizes who gets the loot. BTW, I completely understand your frustrations. I have been playing since release and it wasn't until recently (2 months ago) that I started to get raid loot.

    Now, if someone wants to suggest that those who aren't "privileged" enough to get a piece of raid loot from the warded chest should get one extra level-appropriate piece of loot (a "losers" reward), then I could live with that.

    As it is, I spend craploads when I raid. I want something out of it if I get screwed out of raid loot.
    I understand the costs of raid since I play 2 clerics, that can get really expensive. As someone who plays almost everyday I think the new raid loot system is not a fix to the problem and that they could develop a system that accommodated both power gamers and casual players.
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  7. #27
    Community Member Teufel_Hunden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draclaud View Post
    You folks who are all giddy about this are giddy because you have felt slighted. Is it a good idea to rob people who have found a better way to do things so that you can feel better about yourselves?

    "yah! go get em Turbine you fix those uber raid loot guys! You FORCE em to take me along even though I'm a putz..."

    Right...Good idea...Tourque the most loyal of the base for the sake of the loud people...great idea...

    For all of you wanting things to equal, it's not. It shouldn't be. Better, smarter players should be allowed to have a leg up if they're smart enough and abitious enough to do it. Rather than making everything equal then no one can succeed. Need evidence? In Cuba and Soviet Russia people were all equal, and no one was rewarded for excelling...gee works great huh?
    I've been reading the replys. Some good, some not so good. But this one. Wow. Just wow. Do you really think like this? or is this Epeen? The most loyal base? Cuba, Russia? HA....I'm done with you.
    to be filled in....

  8. #28
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    Currently, when you defeat the Reaver, there is ONE warded chest and THREE regular chests. For those who say they just need a piece of loot (those content with ANY loot), they already have that (3 chests worth). I think the reason people are upset is because now there is a chance that you get a group together, run the raid, and find that NOBODY got anything good. Instead of having ONE warded chest and THREE regular chests, you get FOUR regular chests... not a big impovement IMO... (Remember that you're probably running the raid on normal rather than elite, so running POP on elite = higher level quest = better regular chests anyway)

  9. #29
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    hmmm i have every piece of raid loot i could just about want (minus tomes) out of every raid, unless I glossed over an item, for my main.

    I am for this change.
    Clerics of Fernia
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  10. #30
    Community Member Gypsy_Mouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit View Post
    You are telling me that you can't get 5-6 lvl 14 players to beat the SR, Dragon, DQ?
    When you're on a raid heavy server like mine, but everyone wants to fricking two-man or guild only raid, then yes, it is difficult.

    Umm, I still haven't figured this out. How is this new raid system going to help you get raid loot?

    I never said it was going to get me better chances of raid loot.

    they could develop a system that accommodated both power gamers and casual players.
    Maybe they could, but obviously no one has come up with a "better" solution.

    Anyway, I'm done discussing this. They'll probably change it again anyway with all the complaints.
    aka ~The Jelly Bean Slinger

    Then darkness would eat me. Cold would devour me.
    I would die naked beneath a blackthorn, keening for the missing moon.

  11. #31
    Community Member Draclaud's Avatar
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    Default Gah

    Quote Originally Posted by Teufel Hunden View Post
    I've been reading the replys. Some good, some not so good. But this one. Wow. Just wow. Do you really think like this? or is this Epeen? The most loyal base? Cuba, Russia? HA....I'm done with you.
    Evidentally, you don't "get" it...By maikng an absurd comparision to a current situation you are able to make a clearer and more consistant argument. Evidentally, somone missed that lesson in debate class...
    ...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another

  12. #32
    Community Member rnor6084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draclaud View Post
    Evidentally, you don't "get" it...By maikng an absurd comparision to a current situation you are able to make a clearer and more consistant argument. Evidentally, somone missed that lesson in debate class...

    Someones been listening to certain radio talk show host. I could be wrong but i do not remember him ever making comparisons to real life and video games. Im no fan of communism or socialism but this just isnt the same thing. Dont even start talking about real life economics and this game either. You are right about one thing. You made an absurd comparison.

  13. #33
    Community Member Draclaud's Avatar
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    Default Enjoy then

    [QUOTE=rnor6084;1273725]Someones been listening to certain radio talk show host. I could be wrong but i do not remember him ever making comparisons to real life and video games. Im no fan of communism or socialism but this just isnt the same thing. Dont even start talking about real life economics and this game either. You are right about one thing. You made an absurd comparison.[/QUOTE

    I Guess this is a another way of saying "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

    People always attack the messenger when they cannot prove the message wrong.
    ...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another

  14. #34
    Community Member rnor6084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnor6084 View Post
    Someones been listening to certain radio talk show host. I could be wrong but i do not remember him ever making comparisons to real life and video games. Im no fan of communism or socialism but this just isnt the same thing. Dont even start talking about real life economics and this game either. You are right about one thing. You made an absurd comparison.[/QUOTE

    I Guess this is a another way of saying "I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

    People always attack the messenger when they cannot prove the message wrong.
    LOL. Anyway, you remind me of a friend i had in highschool. He was the guy who took debate classes and did model UN stuff. Super nerd. You could try to argue with him all day but he would just take you around in circles and leave everyone around him scratching their heads wondering what he just said. No hard feelings i hope. I suspect this loot system will be changed again but will be somewhere between what it was and what it will soon be with this MOD.

  15. #35
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    I am a casual player without a single piece of raid loot, and I do not like the change.

    I have been in other MMOs with similar mechanics. They lead to ill will, bad feelings, and less fun. If you don't see why, consider yourself fortunate!

  16. #36
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    You know, there really is no such thing as powergamer or a casual gamer. It's all just a mindset. Either you slam keyboards or punch mouses to race for end-game loot. Or you chill with friends and coast through the levels like Fonz. Either way, you both end up at the same place at roughly the same time. Think of it as passing lanes on a crowded highway. So some of you beat others to the Dairy Queen by 5 minutes. Kudos.
    "The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. Nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right."

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  17. #37
    Community Member Shecky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Mouse View Post
    I'm all for loot. I don't give a rat's ass what kind of loot it is.
    Now this one I like.

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