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  1. #21
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Darkside

    Darkside is the premiere evil guild of Argo.

    We expect our guild-members to have fun while being evil.

    While evil is not an alignment you can actually choose for your character, we at Darkside know that there are many players out there that have dark intentions.

    While we prefer Drow & Warforged all races are welcome.

    Members are encouraged to write in their character's biography and use their emotes.

    Members are encouraged to play as much as possible with other guildies.

    Currently there are over 50 characters in the guild.

    Contact Sicarii via mail in-game, or any of the other members of Darkside running around town.
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  2. #22
    Founder Cordelia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Ransacked

    Guild: Ransacked
    Leader: Damoraslann
    Officers: Cordelia (Wylfred), Mason, Nirvana, Tassandra, Krell, Khopie
    Membership: 10-15 active players, over 100 capped toons.
    Description: Small Veteran Mabar Guild made up of mostly founders and other long-time players. Tight knit and friendly, our guild enjoys good laughs and all the best gear. We preach humility, and flying under the radar.
    Recruitment: If you have interest in joining, please be sure to have exceptional quest knowledge, several capped characters, and a most decidedly chaotic alignment. Also, a thick skin, a sense of humor and a certain level of modesty helps too. Although we are almost always on anonymous, find and contact an officer and nag your way into a flag run. If you play well and we all get along, we'll discuss step 2.

  3. #23
    Relic of the Last War
    Scholar of Adventure
    Kistilan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Post Arriving Sooner Than Expected

    Hastened Harkenings, Argonnessen!

    Well, it turns out I'll be finally leaving Guam today and returning to my typical posts and post in Okinawa. Please be sure to urge your fellow guilds and merger-guilds to post in this thread by the end of the weekend. I will be closing the Rehab thread and updating the Guildlistings based on your responses.

    I'd once again like to extend my thanks to those that have included information, especially the very-detailed info including guild activity by numbers, guild charters that are very specific, and overall the ability to follow requested information in the proper threads. I am very sorry our original Calling All Guilds Third Quarter Thread was lost in the purge and appreciate the redundant back-filled information you've all provided.

    Unless my successor has other plans, the listings will be taken over by a fellow historian and haphazardly (an unbiased selection of pure coincidence) former DoD Service Member in October. I've other projects and will be withdrawing my presence from the Forums, although Relics/Stormrune will still continue to be alive on DDO and LOTRO. It's been a lot of fun and unquestionably caused a few headaches with you all on the forums.

    Also, I'd like to recommend that someone (Clank/Lessah?) please consider creating a history stickie with all DDO Video Projects linked in an appropriate Forum and maintaining that thread. I for one will probably miss out on your posts in Argonnessen's Forums and would like to be able to review what is posted every few months.

    Fair Sojourns, kindred and unfettered alike.

    SrA Kistilan J. Dark, USAF
    Strategic Airman in Exercise Valiant Shield '07, Guam.

    PS: If this thread is locked and you don't get a post in, please PM me! I am not withdrawing from Guildlisting's Maintenance until October 1, 2007. I will update you as soon as humanly possible.

  4. #24
    Founder Osharan_Tregarth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default A Universal Mind

    Ummmm.. I guess I'll put in a post for AUM, since some of the contact information has changed...

    Heh.. And no, I don't care if we are put under A or U in the listing...

    A Universal Mind
    Contact: Vernafeim, Kicken, Annabella, Isharan, Jaytee, Revbaker, Sawna, Tamarock, or any AUM member to reach an officer
    Web Site: (temporarily defunct, but will be back up once one of our members gets back from vacation)(We have a temp address going, but no sense in confusing people)
    E-mail: Just pm Osharan Tregarth on the DDO forums.

    Notes: A "mature" guild with scheduled guild quests for xp, favor, loot, raids and more! Also a full website with a huge forum section with every detail you would ever want in game!

    Membership: 50-100 ish.... I guess... 280 characters logged in over the last two weeks(My arbitrary cutoff).. Divided by however many characters each member might have...
    Last edited by Osharan Tregarth; 08-16-2007 at 01:15 AM.
    Osharan, Esharan, Osharina, Usharina, etc... I'm the 'sharans. Epoxy. Notverysexy.
    I've taken the craft disturbing mental image feat... You have been warned!
    Share and Enjoy!

  5. #25
    Relic of the Last War
    Scholar of Adventure
    Kistilan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Exclamation Final Countdown and Last Words

    Hello Ladies and Gents-

    I'm back from Guam and recovering from sunlight, heatstroke and lots of Korean Juicy Encounters. KJ XPs for short. Aside from that, I'm working on the listings.

    Two Things To Announce:

    1. I've updated and will close this thread this weekend -- get your guilds in if you haven't chimed in yet! This is my last "official" update (you will be able to PM me, of course) before I turn the reigns over to Aargos as your new Guildlistings Moderator/Monitor/Person/Thing.

    2. I'm throwing my hat in the ring for Ret Greenwood's old job in the Player to Player Guild Match-up Forums. I'll try to make some sense out of the mergers and active guilds now that we aren't having any purges this week in the current Threads. ^_^ Any objects/comments/ideas are welcome before I start this endeavor. I really appreciate the support I've been given in maintaining the Argonnessen Listings for the past year. I couldn't have done it without the excellence basis that MantisDragon and ShinmaFox created as a launchpad for future enhancements to this listing. Expect Aargos to deliver even more features and informations in the new listings to debut in the coming month!

    Alrighty, so there I was, editing the guildlistings, when WHAM - I was out like a light!!! Then I woke up, it was 5 am, and I'd successfully stuck my nose between the g and h keys. It was time for bed.



    PS: I've finally put A Universal Mind in thier place! /corn&puns off Oh, I hear my ancestors rolling in their graves for that one. I guess they're all of "like mind" when it comes to my humour! (Ok, I'm really stopping now. You guys have been swell!)
    Last edited by Kistilan; 08-17-2007 at 01:43 PM. Reason: Word-Swop

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