I would appreciate this guild being added to the list.
We are a few months old, and have a great time.
Guild leader is Elriack.
Eyes of the beholder
I would appreciate this guild being added to the list.
We are a few months old, and have a great time.
Guild leader is Elriack.
Eyes of the beholder
Nous une guilde francophone qui a demenager du serveur europeen pour se retrouver ici sur Ghallandra. L'ensemble des joueurs de cette guilde connaissent tres bien le jeu.
La guilde est compose de joueur francais et quebecois qui sont sur le jeu pour certain depuis la beta. P
Nous comptons plus de 70 joueurs donc une moyenne d'une vingtaine par soir connecter. Le chef de la guilde est Cythmos et la co-chef est Mandriva. Nous acceptons presque tous les joueurs desireux de jouer amicalement dans un contexte de jeux relax si tu es un rusher oublie nous car les Anciens ca veut dire un groupe de joueurs experimenter qui prennent le temps d'aider les nouveaux et s'amuser.
pour etre recu sur cette guilde tu dois en faire la demande dans la section NOUS REJOINDRE sur le forum
L,inscription est rapide et tu peut poster 5 minutes apres t'etre inscrit. Nous avons comme politique de demander une presentation pour pouvoir te connaitre un peu, et signer la chartes des Anciens qui te donne une idee de la maniere que l'on aime jouer.
Malgre un decalage de pres de 6 heures avec les USA nous sommes sur le jeu le soir car le chef est quebecois donc si cela t'interresse tu es le bienvenue en suivant c'est procedure de recrutement.
P.S. ajouter s.v.p. cette guilde a la liste des guildes de Ghallandra add that guild to the list please Thanks
I would like to add my Guild Sippy Cup Brigade. We are a guild of parents and are currently recruiting.
I have not posted my guild info on this thread bc if veryone that posted "Please add my guild" would have read the OP's full post, your guild will be added once you have online presence and are noticed... I have been recruiting like crazy so i can be seen online enough to warrant being added to the list... The prob that the OP is trying to avoid is all of the 1 or 2 ppl guilds that are out there that really don't have much in the way of anything to contribute to newer people coming up through the ranks... That's just my take on the whole thing...
Les Seigneurs de karrnath changed name after 3 years of good work.
Same peoples, same attitude, same quality.
New name is DDO Québec. link to guild webcite stays the same.
Dieu merci!
I saw some players running around with that DDO Quebec guild tag and I thought perhaps you had some competition. It's good to know that you folks are still around.
But to avoid any forum infraction points I will continue to limit my Quebec jokes to voice chat only.
Bonne chasse et bonne chance mes amis.
Bronko Lawbringer
Founder, Guild Leader, & Official Meat Shield™ of THAC0 on Ghallanda
First update in a while today. if I missedsomething, send me a PM.
Valiant Accord
You are correct. I appologize to anyone that I have missed, and will add that sending me an email to "ronodde@roadrunner.com" with the name of the leader, guild website url, and any other pertinent info should be enough to get you added to the list. I have not updated in a while due to Real Life and in-game commitments, but will try to be more dilligent. If I could share controll of this thread with someone else, I would, but it does not work that way. Also, if you have knowledge of a guild disbanding, please let me know.
Valiant Accord
I would love to add your guild, but I do not speak french well enough to read your post. Please have someone translate your request to English. I want to support all of our new freinds from the European servers as much as possible. As we say in Valliant Accord, Welcome Home!
Valiant Accord
OP thanks for you effort. Comunidad Umbria is nonoperational. Some of us moved to Terrorismo Interno with an actual count of 50 members so....
Guild Name: Terrorismo Interno http://guild-ddo-terrorismo-interno....alogo-del.html
Leader: Assassi
Requirement: Been spanish speaker
This guild is member oriented and everyone should help lower level guildies with equipment to enhance DDO experience (that can be frustrating at those lower levels).
Can you add The Seekers to this list.
The only flavor/rules we have is that we try to 100% every quest and we just try and have fun.
Other than that, any character/person is more then welcome to join.
The leader is Ilyanna (character name) and Llewndyn (forum name), but should contact me for guild info via forums or Deltree in game.
Here is our link - it's only a MyDDO link, but it's better than nothing.
Thanks OP.
Last edited by JustWinBaby; 04-23-2010 at 05:04 PM.
Ghallanda - Deltree (Rogue 11), Niecih (Cleric 14) Pemn (Barb 8), Ehseri (Sorc 3) - Blackmoor Defenders
It looks like morethan half of the list disapeared. I am sending a PM to Tolero to see if it can be retrieved. If not, it will have to be re-done froms scratch. If that is the case, I may just bag it. That would depend on the feedback (or lack thereof) that I receive regarding wether or not the resourse is being used, and if I can get assistance rebuilding it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
BTW...seems I am looking for a new guild myself ironicly enough.
Valiant Accord
With the upcoming update 5, and guild only specials coming, I'm feeling a bit more pressure to join a guild. I discovered this post because I'm somewhat picky, having run a guild myself on another game. So I, for one, would love to see the list updated.
There's no such thing as a "dangerous weapon". There are only dangerous people. I could kill you with a Twinkie and have a tasty snack afterwards.
Well that sucks. I was going to ask you to add my guild to the list... but if its going away...
Welp, here goes anyhow:
Blackmoor Defenders
Leader - Thaco (no relation to Bronko and his fine family )
Active Members - About 15-20 (characters upwards of 130)
Site - http://www.takzu.com
We don't aggressively recruit, but do invite people who we quest with from PUGs after we have run a few quests to see if (s)he is a good fit in our family. This seems to work well for both the new person and our family of players.
Nice work on the list too... I hope is stays around in some fashion.
Last edited by THAC0; 06-09-2010 at 11:02 AM.
Blackmoor Defenders (LVL - 193)
Ghallanda ...Lhazaar 2006
Forum-ID u779 : Guild Leader of The Blackmoor Defenders
Not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just wondering why my guild has not been added to the list. I have posted all the information on this thread, and I have sent you an email. Not sure what else to do.
Again, not trying to be rude, just trying to figure out what I need to do. Thanks.
for restoring the list after the mishap last week. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Valiant Accord
Thanks.. PM sent, but in case you inbox is flooded....
Blackmoor Defenders leader: Thaco = bad URL copy paste...url no worky.
Blackmoor Defenders (LVL - 193)
Ghallanda ...Lhazaar 2006
Forum-ID u779 : Guild Leader of The Blackmoor Defenders