+1 Paralizing Kama of Rightousness RR elf/drow (monk weapon! get it now)
+1 Paralizing light hammer of rightousness rr human
+1 Paralizing light hammer of vertigo 2
+1 Paralizing Heavy Mace of Stunning 1% RR dwarf
+1 crippling light mace of smiting
+1 light crossbow of smiting
+1 Shock Heavy pick of disruption
+1 true law light pick of disruption
+1 wounding light crossbow of puncturing
+1 Banishing light crossbow of pure good
+2 Banishing heavy crossbow of power 1
+1 Banishing Great club
+3 flaming kama of Greater Giant Bane
+2 Keen Shortsword of puncturing
+4 Acid Scimitar of Maiming
+2 Acid Heavy Pick of Greater Monsterous Humoid Bane
+2 Acid Longbow of Greater Elemental Bane rr Human lvl 8
+3 Seeker Kukri of Greater vermin bane
+25% striding boots of balance +3 or +25% striding boods. (trading only one of these)
+5 con belt
+5 con belt rr halfling
+2 con belt of greater false life rr warforge
+6 Dex boots +3 swim rr human (only trade for +6 dex boots rr dwarf/clean or +6 con ring)
+5 Con necklace of protection 1 rr wf
+5 Dex gloves of repair 3
+2 Con belt of improved false life
+5 Dex Boots
Backstabbers Gloves
Girdle of Giants Brawn
Fearsome Robe of Cold Resistance
+2 Fearsome Leather Armor of lessor fire resistance
+4 Mithral Heavy shield
+5 Adamantine Tower Shield
+1 Chr tome
+1 Int tome
4 White Scales
I have more stuff, just need to post when I have more time and can check my inventories on the weekend).
Looking primarily for
Greater Giant Bane Dwarven axe with some additonal damage stat (ie flaming pure good)
Vorpal, or paralizing throwing axe.
con 6 necklace or ring (can trade 6 Con rr human necklace)
dex 6 boots/ring (can trade dex 6 +3 swim boots rr human)
Steady Handed Armbands
Ring of Shadow
Firestorm Greaves
+5 mithral FP
Fearsome mithral full plate (+4 or 5)
fearsome mirthral chain shirt or leather of invul
And on the lookout for:
Daggertooth's belt
Dwarven axes - Greater construct, disruption, banishing
Good battle axes, hand axes
Throwing axes - good damage and banishing
Longbows of disruption, banishing, paralizing
Magi/Wizard V/VI Hat/helm
Giantcrafted Siberys Compass
Beholder Optic Nerves
Ring of Trollish Regeneration
Ring of Spell Storing
Ring of the Ancestors
Helm of Freewill
+1 Dex tome
any +2 tome