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  1. #21
    Founder Crarites's Avatar
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    I built a halfling cleric specifically to use the clickie heal abilities. Undying sovereignty/5 heal clicks/7cure/9cures/+12 divine healing. The marks can't be interrupted and work when feebleminded. Divine healing can be used through barriers same as paladin lay on hands. What I found most interesting with the halfling cleric is how little the character has to rely on wands and or scrolls. The larger goal of building a healing cleric that wasn't a money pit worked out very well.
    "As if killing the Bard impresses us."
    -Sir Osric, Paladin

  2. #22
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crarites View Post
    I built a halfling cleric specifically to use the clickie heal abilities. Undying sovereignty/5 heal clicks/7cure/9cures/+12 divine healing. The marks can't be interrupted and work when feebleminded. Divine healing can be used through barriers same as paladin lay on hands. What I found most interesting with the halfling cleric is how little the character has to rely on wands and or scrolls. The larger goal of building a healing cleric that wasn't a money pit worked out very well.
    hmm, whats worth more, LoH or the divine healing? can you get divine healing on a pally?
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  3. #23

    Default My Halfling kids

    Julez - halfling cleric - dragonmarked still only lvl 6

    Twiggie - halfling barbarian/ranger 2 lvl rng - rest barb dragonmarked

    Tinkerbelle - halfling pure ranger - dragonmarked


    Ladies - Mediclady, Elspyth, Warchantress, Bittt, Julez, LilBitt, Bucketoboltz, Skitty, Kerro, Wyntermoon, Kethrey, Kethree, Selany, Gypsie, Cassyopeya, Tinkerbelle, Dyanya, PallasAthene

  4. #24
    Community Member smodge13's Avatar
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    Tamn is just about to hit lvl 7 and has been going great so far
    what he will eventually be

    32 pt halfling
    Paladin 11/Ftr 1/Rog 2

    Str 14 ----> 24 (+3 level up, +1 Tome, +6 item)
    Dex 13 ----> 22 (+2 Enhancements, +1 Tome, +6 item)
    Con 14 ----> 20 (+6 item)
    int 12 -----> 13 (+1 Tome consumed at level 1)
    wis 11 -----> 18 (+1 tome, +6 item)
    cha 14 ----> 24 (+6 item, +1 tome, +3 enhancement)

    Intimidate max Ranks
    UMD max Ranks

    To maintain max ranks take fighter early, around 3 or 4 and raise only intimidate, use those rogue levels to increase umd only and take them late, you dont get evasion until lvl 14, but if you can find yourself an int 2 tome somehow then you dont need to worry

    1. Least mark of healing
    3. Toughness (anythign really i just like the extra hp)
    Ftr. CE
    6. Lesser mark of healing
    9. improved critical
    12. Greater mark of healing.
    Smodge Level 14 Enchantment Cleric, Thelmiaze Level 14 Dex Rogue, Trognack Level 14 WF Barbarian, Cadian Level 6 Trip Fighter (retired), Tharivell Level 9 Buffing/Enchanter Bard, Altharen Level 7 Enchantment Sorceror, Shieldmaster Cadian Level 1 Bard/1 Fighter (deleted), Doram the Exile Level 4 WF paladin, Avedrahlah Level 3 Sorceror (Girlfreinds Character).
    Officer of Hey You Talkin To Me?. Thelanis server

  5. #25
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crarites View Post
    I built a halfling cleric specifically to use the clickie heal abilities. Undying sovereignty/5 heal clicks/7cure/9cures/+12 divine healing. The marks can't be interrupted and work when feebleminded. Divine healing can be used through barriers same as paladin lay on hands. What I found most interesting with the halfling cleric is how little the character has to rely on wands and or scrolls. The larger goal of building a healing cleric that wasn't a money pit worked out very well.
    Yeah I thought about would have more mana to burn on offensive spells...but not the feats to make those spells definitely pick up a lot of heal-power though! I can't wait for maximize when I take my 4th level of pally.

  6. #26
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    Default My Halfling Pally

    I have a 14 Halfling Paladin I built to be a healing Pally. His 2 skill points went into Heal and Diplo. Greater Dragon Marks and Empower Healing. I maxed out the enhancements for the dragonmarks and LOH. Also the Undying Sov. There have been quite a few times where I have been a wand whipping healer (with all my clickies) or helped the OOM cleric by healing in the middle of combat. He has almost surpassed my main as my favorite character to play...
    Basically, Halflings rule.

  7. #27
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    Interesting thread.

    A few weeks back I read about a halfling bard 1/wizard 13 who tried to emulate the MysticTheurge PrC using wands, scrolls, and halfling dragonmarks. It got me to thinking ...

    I rolled up (and am slowly leveling) 2 halflings (lost my mule slots!). First a bard 1/wizard 13 as described above. Second, a bard 1/sorc 13 which will be tough because of lack of feats but I wanna try it.

    I'm not very far along on any of them, but it was interesting to see this thread because I seriously think that halflings are underrated at the moment.

  8. #28
    Community Member Club'in's Avatar
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    Got mine up to level 12 right now. 32 point build. Ranger11/Rogue1. Took the rogue level first, of course. And the least mark. Was easily able to solo up to level 3. Grabbed bastard sword for melee oomph and flava at level 3. Levels 6 and 9 finished off the dragon marks. Just got Empower Healing at level 12. Also just found an Improved Potency VI item. Have my enhancements totally full on dragon marks, and full on ranger devotion. I'm popping my heals for 306 HP each! Being able to do any trapsmithing, and pretty much being able to take the place of a cleric allows me to form a new group and take anybody, first come first served. UMD is maxed so I've been able to use the warforged-only vorpal longsword and paralyzing long bow. Got his ass handed to him by a Duergar Champion in BAM, so not a great toe to toe melee. But in the same night did Chains of Flame sans cleric. Very powerful character, very fun to play...

  9. #29
    Community Member Dratz5's Avatar
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    Talking hi

    i am currently making a build 12 ftr / 2 rouge / and when cap goes 2 pally
    going for dragon marks too and all dex soo finess will be there with ftr mastery on a Kundarak delving suit for a 9 dex bonus with CE will have AC and evasion and heals with UMD so im thinkin it will be good and when cap goes it will have better saves

  10. #30
    Community Member Artierius's Avatar
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    Default Self-Healing Halfling Tanker


    I haven't ever posted on the forums before, as most needs are always covered by those who like to talk alot. However even small posts can give others ideals for things they might be looking for, so here it goes.

    This is a 28 point multi-class build that uses a few tomes, but doesn't have too if you don't have access to these. The tomes can just round out some stats, and free up some enhancement points. If you have access to a 32 point build feel free to increase the stats you would like higher. Again this is just a template using the halfing build, it can work with any race. Each race gives it's own advantage to some aspect of the build. (i.e. Halfling better healing, Human better intimidate / more skill points, Dwarf more Hp's / better DR...etc ..etc)

    11 Cleric / 3 Pally / 2 Fighter


    Str: 12 (+1 ftr / +4 levels / +1 tome / +6 item)
    Int: 13 (+1 tome - 1st level for more skill points, though not needed)
    Wis: 12 (+2 cleric / +4-6 item / +2 favor tome if aquired)
    Dex: 10 (+2 halfing / +4-6 item / or +1 half / +1 tome / + item - frees up 4 enhancement points)
    Con: 11 (+1 tome / + 4-6 item)
    Cha: 16 (+2 cleric / + 4-6 item or +1 tome / + 1 cleric / +item - frees up 4 enhancement points)

    Modified Stats:

    Str: 24 (23 with no tome)
    Int: 14 (13 with no tome)
    Wis: 22 (18 with no tome or +6 item)
    Dex: 18 (16 with no +6 item)
    Con: 18 (16 with +5 item)
    Cha: 24 (22 with no +6 item)

    Again if you are a min/maxer feel free to change anything you want..this is more for the casual gamer who can get access to some good gear but not all the uber gear.

    Next we will go to the saves:

    Base: +7 / +3 / +7 Cleric
    +3 / +1 / +1 Pally
    +3 / +0 / +0 Ftr
    +3 / +3 / +4 stats(went with lower ones)
    +2 / +2 / +2 Pally Aura
    +1 / +1 / +1 Halfling
    +6 / +6 / +6 Divine Grace (lower cha)
    +0 / +2 / +0 Halfling saves(enhancement)
    +4 / +4 / +4 Resist item
    +2 / +2 / +2 Heroism buff(morale bonus)
    +2 / +2 / +2 Recitation(luck bonus)

    +33 / +26 / +29 (on average with gear attainable easily)

    + 2 more Greater Heroism
    + 2 more better aura
    + 1 more better resist
    + 2 / + 2 / + 3 better stats

    +40 / +33 / +37

    Next will check out AC:

    10 Base
    13 +5 fullplate
    7 +5 lg shield (if mith tower add 2)
    1 Dex (3 if mithral plate)
    1 halfling
    5 Combat Exp
    2 Pally Aura
    2 Chaosguard
    5 protection (not that hard to get these days)
    3 barkskin(potion)
    2 Recitation (self cast)
    1 Haste (potion / caster)
    1 Parry Wep (Insight bonus)
    2 if blocking

    53 / 55 blocking (easily attainable)

    2 better pally aura
    2 better barkskin
    2 Mithral Tower shield
    2 Mithral Fullplate
    3 Chatter Ring (dodge bonus)
    1 Dodge Feat

    65 / 67 ( harder to get / though even a casual player can get some off this)

    Next will be HP:

    20 Heroic
    20 Ftr
    30 Pally
    88 Cleric
    10 Draconic
    48 Con(64 w/18con)
    18 (Aidspell)
    ?? (Falselife item if equipped - we will use 20)
    18 (Toughness feat if taken)

    234 / ~288 if you like alot of HP

    Next is Intimidate:

    19 base
    6 Cha (7 if CHA higher)
    2 Luck(recitation or item)
    1 Ftr
    15 Item
    3 SF:Intim(if taken at 15th)
    4 Greater Hero

    50 total / 47 no SF: Intim (51 / 48 for better CHA)

    Next is to hit:

    +13 Base
    +7 Str
    +1 Halfling
    +3 Divine Favor (self cast)
    +4 Wep / Extra dam
    +1 Enhancement (longswords)
    +3 Divine Power (self cast)
    +2 Recitation (self cast)
    +1 haste (potion or caster)

    +35 total
    -2 towershield

    +33 total

    Here is the Feats:

    1st: Least Mark
    3rd: Empower Healing or Maximize
    6th: Lesser Mark
    9th: Greater Mark
    12th: Empower Healing or Maximize
    15th: SF: Intimidate or Toughness

    Ftr feat: Combat Expertise
    Ftr feat: Improved Crit (slashing)

    Level Breakdown:

    Pali / Pali / Cleric / Cleric / Cleric / Ftr / Pali / Cleric / Cleric / Ftr / Cleric the rest

    Here are the Skills:

    Intimidate to the Max level / I went with UMD, Jump and Balance(the latter to to get a positive number with a few points in each)

    UMd Breakdown:

    9 Base
    6 Cha(or 7 if you have better stats)
    2 Luck (Recitation or Item)
    4 Greater Heroism
    3 Golden Cartouche

    24 (25 for higher CHA)

    This will let you use alot of racially restricted gear as well as some arcane items and scrolls. Great for out of combat use and ok for in combat use as you probly wont be using the cartouche at that time.

    Next we go to Enhancements: (Can switch these any way you like as equipment or tomes you get while leveling)

    Ideally this what I would like with the gear I got and tomes used:

    Extra Dragonmark IV / Ftr Intimidate I / Divine Healing III / Follower of the Soverign Host / Cleric Life Magic IV / Halfling LUck II(Reflex)
    Energy of the Zealot III / Halfling Dex I(+1 tome used) / Cleric CHA I(+1 tome used) / Paladin Aura of Bulwark I / Paladin Aura of Resist I
    Ftr Str I / Cleric Wisdom II / Lay on Hands I

    This will leave you with 4 points still left over for whatever or if you didnt have tomes to get + 2 stat bonus still in one stat.

    In conclusion I have been playing this build and am currently level 10. It has provided great versitility and the healing power has been great so far. It's nice to be able to give others some buffs and I have been able to take advantage of the UMD at this level also. My hitpoints haven't been a problem so far even on elite dungeons I have been on. I do have some misses on intimidating giants, though I didn't have a max intimidate item for my level. Mind you I still can Intimidate them though. I feel this build will only get better as the cleric levels go up now and being able to raise your healer of whoever is nice as well. Also you will be able to use any level 7 scroll without failure and level 8 scrolls with minor failure(10&#37; I think). With a 24 UMD Displacement scrolls or other Arcane items and such may be useful as well, even though the duration will be short.

    I thank all the other posts for helping me think of something that may be useful to someone. Also this build will work as a Halfling Ftr / Magic-user if you either went Str build or Dex based. The only thing that changes is your gear somewhat. Split is 11 Wizard / 3 Pally / 2 Ftr, this works great with halfling dragon marks as the wizard levels get you 3 Metamagic feats to go with the ones you got already. I will post it when I have completly written it down.
    Last edited by Artierius; 03-18-2008 at 07:51 PM.

  11. #31
    Community Member roadkill525's Avatar
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    stupid question but how do you get dragonmarks?

  12. #32
    Community Member Artierius's Avatar
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    Default Dragonmarks Aquiring

    Quote Originally Posted by roadkill525 View Post
    stupid question but how do you get dragonmarks?
    In the harbor by the mailbox and Auction house guy...there is a man stading there that will give you a quest which the door is immediatly to the right if you are looking at the Auction house guy. Go into the door, answere a few questions and you can now use dragonmarks upon creation of any race that can use them. This means delete the guy you just created to unlock this if you wanted him to have dragonmarks, if he is still low level 1-2.

    Hope this helps...

  13. #33
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Artierius View Post
    In the harbor by the mailbox and Auction house guy...there is a man stading there that will give you a quest
    HER name is Lockania.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

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