As an officer of the Critical Misfits I am proud to announce that we are opening our doors and are now accepting new members.

We are just a small guild of friends who have been playing the game since launch and who have played PnP D&D for years. Not to mention several other online endeavors. We are also adults, which means we swear, we drink, we like to toss friendly insults at each other.

Even with the server merge on the horizon, we are still marching onward. Will we lose our name? Unknown. Still, that doesn't change the makeup of our guild.

If you would like to join our little band of Misfits, then please, stop by our web page: Critical Misfits

Add a post to our Recruitment Forum:

We will contact you as soon as possible.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to post on our forum, PM me or leave a response in this thread.