My hunch is the classmate. Seems like the most likely candidate to me.
Going on your premise that we have nothing to do with global warming, it's because we believe we are the cause of everything.
Of course.
12 small trees worth.
My hunch is the classmate. Seems like the most likely candidate to me.
Going on your premise that we have nothing to do with global warming, it's because we believe we are the cause of everything.
Of course.
12 small trees worth.
Where did I leave my keys?
and what exactly is a bean feast?
How do I know that you will truthfully answer my questions?
And.... how do I know if the answer you give me is true, based on my question above?
Why does it feel like my head is going to explode?
/runs away, but leaves forwarding address for the answers to be sent to.....
The DDO forums resident kobold.
STOP PICKING ON US!!!!! We don't pick on you. Ummmm..... nevermind.![]()
Why won't anyone love me?
Ok, having watched that video here is what I think.
Why did electrons react differently when observed? Perhaps there is something going on that humans don't understand? Perhaps a new element was introduced into the equation that they aren't even aware of.
The idea that electrons act differently when watched? More like something was effecting their pattern.
I'm sure this experiment has been reproduced enough to get the same results. All that means to me is that not every factor is known. Or that man understands everything.
We also aren't capable of registering everything. There are specturms of light we can't see.
We are also the same creature that for years have said bees shouldn't be able to fly, until someone actually observed bees in flight, via slow motion film, and saw that our "math" showing that the flight of bees was impossible was wrong, because we calculated the ability to do that based on assuming that bees flew like planes, and not like heliocopters.
In other words, we assume we know, and when we don't, we make it up.
I wouldn't be surprised if in time, someone finally figures out why this happens with electrons.
Last edited by Dane McArdy; 07-31-2007 at 06:08 PM.
In your front door.
It is primarily an annual dinner given by an employer to his workpeople, and by extension, colloquially, describes any jollification. The phrase is variously derived. The most probable theory is that which connects it with the custom in France, and afterwards in Germany and England, of a feast on Twelfth Night, at which a cake with a bean buried in it was a great feature. The bean-king was he who had the good fortune to have the slice of cake in which was the bean. This choosing of a king or queen by a bean was formerly a common Christmas diversion at the English and Scottish courts, and in both English universities. This monarch was master of the revels like his congener the Lord of Misrule. A clue to his original functions is possibly found in the old popular belief that the weather for the ensuing twelve months was determined by the weather of the twelve days from Christmas to Twelfth Night, the weather of each particular month being prognosticated from each day. Thus the king of the bean of Twelfth Night may have originally reigned for the twelve days, his chief duty being the performance of magical ceremonies for ensuring good weather during the ensuing twelve months. Probably in him and the lord of misrule it is correct to find the lineal descendant of the old king of the Saturnalia, the real man who personated Saturn and, when the revels ceased, suffered a real death in his assumed character. Another but most improbable derivation for bean-feast connects it with M.E. bene "prayer," "request," the allusion being to the soliciting of alms towards the cost of their Twelfth Night dinner by the workpeople.
You don't. Because it is true. Your small kobold size head can't deal with all the thoughts in your brain right now. I would lie to you. I have a great dislike of kobolds. Whenever I ran chains of flames I make sure to leave all the kobold slaves behind. No reason to free them.
Because no one likes the Iron Phalanx?![]()
Why did you allow me to edjumacate you?
And are you sure the keys are in my front door?
Isn't that the first place I looked?
Is Kargon's Tasty Ham tasty?
The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
-1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker
You didn't educate me. I didn't read what I wrote.
Well it's where mine always are. On a unrelated note I seem to get robbed a lot. Never signs of break in either. I haven't figured it out yet.
No, the first place you looked was where they are supposed to be.
Not really. It is is a processed ham, but Kargon has a good PR company on his side to promote his projects. It is needed after the failure of the Kargon's Spell Headbutting Hat. Let's just say while he can do, they can't get it to work on a helm. Lots of people died when they took a fireball to the head.
Ask anything? Okay....
Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.
Here's one for exposition.
If you had the power of life and death over one thing, what would it be and why?
So, they introduce radiation to "watch electrons" and suddenly, they behave differently.
And man thinks they are smart.
R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watchingInformation from devs ______________Member of Cupcake's Muskateers!____/wearing a Jiffy Pop pan tinfoil hat made by shecky