8P.. lost my build in the nasty dump and want to put it back up.. all information is with normal gear on.. I only switch around my cloaks for resists and feather fall..
I decided to go with a balanced Str and Dex so I can utilize all weapon choices ranged and melee.. I really love this character and tis a blast to play.. Besides my original feat decisions I wouldn't go back and change anything..
Cassis Hedge
14th level Ranger
True Neutral
Stats: (28pt)
Str - 26 (16-start 3-levels 6-item 1-tome)
Dex - 28 (16-start 5-enh 5-item 2-tome)
Con - 16 (10-start 5-item 1-tome)
Wis - 16 (10-start 5-item 1-tome)
Int - 10
Cha - 8
Jump - 17+8+2=27
Hide - 17+9+14=40 (ring of shadows)
Move Silently - 17+9+12=38 (ring of shadows)
Search - 17
Spot - 17+3+10=30 (BW of spot goggles)
Listen - 15+3+2=20
Tumble - 1+9=10
Bastard Sword
Imp Crit Slash
Imp Crit Range
Sprint Boost - 2
Halfer Dex - 2
Halfer Flanking Bonus - 1
Halfer Luck - 3(reflex)
Halfer Luck - 3(will)
Halfer Luck - 3(fort)
Item Defense - 3
Ranger Favored Defense - 2
Spell Points - 3
Ranger Dex - 3
Fortitude - 20 (9-base 3-con 1-halfer 3-enh 4-item)
Reflex - 26 (9-base 8-dex 1-halfer 3-enh 4-item)
Will - 15 (4-base 3-wis 1-halfer 3-enh 4-item)
HP = 262 (112-base 42-con 10-Argo 20-heroic 48-toughness 30-greater FL)
SP = 346 (142-base 69-wis 60-enh 75-item)
TWF/Bow - 35 (10-base 9-dex 6-bracer 4-deflection item 1-halfer 5-bark)
Sword n Board - 42 (above plus +5 shield)
To-Hit - 22 (14-base 8-mod) 23 with a bow