I loves apples
I loves apples
I too have seen a certain guild on Fernia doing what I would call cheating.
Any details I could give could be considered explaining an exploit, but I know what I saw, and I saw cheating.
I don't care why or how they are cheating, and I'm sure that these cheaters have justified to themselves that what they are doing isn't cheating or exploiting. What I saw was cheating and greed.
I don't cheat, and I won't party with those cheaters. As far as I'm concerned, these players are weak-willed and can't resist the lure of loot. And anyone who supports their position of "since we're getting away with it - it must be ok" is also deluding themselves.
The sooner these cheaters are perma-banned from the game the better in my opinion...this is just like graffiti, the longer you leave it up, the more graffiti it attracts. The faster you take down graffiti, the more you discourage the vandals from ruining your property.
Lastly, the argument that "it doesn't hurt you, leave them alone" is BS. It hurts the game by lowering the moral standards of playing a social game. And later, these same cheaters are just going to be bragging how they took down the MOD5 raid in X hours and they're the best...go cheaters...go away that is. It's attitudes like these that discourage people from being gamers, be it video, miniature, card, board, or whatever.
Last edited by Branden Dubois; 08-01-2007 at 03:23 AM.
Last edited by Allgee; 08-01-2007 at 06:43 AM.
Why care? Probably because HONEST people take the time to run the prequests or wait out the timers and run multiple times taking weeks on end to get a specific item they want, and the possibility the HONEST people may only be able to play 1 time a week or so on, so you see a DIS HONEST group exploiting a raid of this type then in essence its not fair to others who are HONEST.
Of course when the exploit is fixed the DISHONEST people usually come crying to the forums about it.........
Ghallanda ReRolled Naxy-Transil-Kottol-Nax-Riorsil-Riorik-Kaol
I think people need to understand that the exploiters are the reason most, if not all quests/raids get nerfed. So their greed and selfishness makes it harder for the rest of us who don't cheat. How is that fair or right? Because of a few selfish/greedy people, the rest of us get punished? What makes it worse is the people who come on here defending it or basically telling anyone who thinks its wrong to....keep our mouths shut. How dare you.
I personally know of two guilds from my old server(Aundair), who were exploiting the Reaver Raid none stop for hours and hours. The only reason I even noticed was that they messed up and had one member be the leader twice in a row so his name appeared in the world broadcast within 40 minutes time. Probably would not have been noticed but it caught my eye as being, odd. So I brought up the Who list and saw his name, noted which guild he was in then sorted my Who list by guild names. Sat in Gianthold at tavern and sure enough, the whole guild was in on it. Each time they "won" I noticed something particular about them on the who list when sorted by guild name.
*Edited for obvious reasons*
Last edited by Quanefel; 08-03-2007 at 11:01 AM. Reason: Too much information
Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.
A is A. -John Galt
Quanfel I won't quote you but I would edit that above post, like...delete it, pronto.
The 'loophole', 'exploit', or total cheesy way to do it, is being addressed in M5 as Ziggy pointed out. The Rants due to this fix for loot generation will come from those that used this way of doing it.
I didn't use this way of doing it, and I am against the nerf for loot generation. Why would I bother to exploit when the raid is so easy, has auto flagging, and I only need to wait till the third day? I have 4 characters ready, so that's a raid a night and that's plenty for me.
I'm sorry Asp if you felt I implied that you did/do. No way I meant that - re-reading my post looks as though that could have been implied, my apology!
The generation for those in the party at completion is in direct result of an exploit used to get loot from not being in the raid.
Not a nerf, IMO Asp. Not talking about the % for loot to drop here, talking about the fact you will now HAVE to be in the party at the time of completion to get any loot. Only a nerf if this 'tactic' was used.
Any way you want to look at it, entering a completed Raid, that you yourself was not on, just for the purpose to loot, is NOT the way things are to be done - hence the new generation mechanic.
Anyways, what is the big deal? Loot is going to be generated for the party only upon completion. Nothing wrong with that. No downside IMO. Now if they were to add this to normal Quests, then maybe I would have something to debate about. But we are talking about the 'hardest' quests in game and arguable the 'best' loot' in game. No finding Muck and asking your friends to join you to grab muckbane here...
Morning Asp!!
Last edited by Hendrik; 08-03-2007 at 09:10 AM.
Proud Leader of the Shadowhand.
A is A. -John Galt
That is their choice. They can rant and rave, after the fix, that they cant solo it for 100% raid loot til blue in the face, I do not care. If people wish to do that, they take the chance of getting caught and banned.
In no way do I think solo/duo Raids is an exploit. But I do believe that it is not the intent nor in the spirit that the DEV's designed these. But I do commened those that can/do. They still can, but not with a 100% chance of Raid loot.
I am totally for the "spawned chest flag" for the characters in party. I agree that it's cheesy to pull an alt that wasn't in the raid over to loot a raid chest. I've never done it, but people certainly do it. I support that part of the raid loot "change."
But, the rest of it (the 1/6 chance of raid loot for each member) is a nerf, in my eyes. It's obviously an intended nerf, it's just very frustrating for me since I my playstyle is the one that was targeted.
Reaver needs a forcefield like the other raids. A forcefield that is not passable due to the raid mechanics, as reaver is.
Seriously to all of you doing this....you apparently only care about getting the most uber loot and nothing for the experience....you know as well as I that this is not the intent, yet you seek ways of getting around (exploits) the desired effect. And I know, although not stated as such by the devs, i sure that they didn't want everyone walking around with as much reaver raid loot as possible. What kind of D & D experience is that? To each there own, but it sours the experience in my opinion. I prefer to earn my loot, you know the old fashion way. But I guess we are on the honor system and we can see how much of that is around. I'm not high and mighty, i'm just looking for a good gaming experience and ransacking the reaver loot because something was overlooked by the devs is IMHO bad. Enjoy your uber loop...hope you get to kill lots with it, i'm sure your gaming experience won't suffer.
Last edited by Tarackian; 08-12-2007 at 04:42 PM. Reason: corrections