Looted a Banishing +1 Lt. Repeating Xbow of Righteousness. WTT for another banisher
Looking for one of the following: Shortsword/Rapier/Kukri/Falchion/Kopesh or other one handed slasher(19-20crit).
email darkan in game with any offers.
Looted a Banishing +1 Lt. Repeating Xbow of Righteousness. WTT for another banisher
Looking for one of the following: Shortsword/Rapier/Kukri/Falchion/Kopesh or other one handed slasher(19-20crit).
email darkan in game with any offers.
Airica / Abi Normal / Darkan Rahl / Airic Rahl / Violater / Zork / Lethal
Founder of Legion of the Dark Sword, Sarlona server
a.k.a. Darken-Rahl ( if you played SWG on Lowca say hello! )
Banishing doesn't come on slashers
Aelvara - Bagel - Bagelbot - Daarna - Kraldor - Minibagel - Uberlute - Wounder
|||-C a f f e i n e-|||
|||Q u a n t u m - E n t r o p y|||
well... smack me sideways for not knowing any better....
guess im looking for a one-handed piercing banisher.
Airica / Abi Normal / Darkan Rahl / Airic Rahl / Violater / Zork / Lethal
Founder of Legion of the Dark Sword, Sarlona server
a.k.a. Darken-Rahl ( if you played SWG on Lowca say hello! )