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Thread: Old Scholl Mods

  1. #1
    Community Member Dori's Avatar
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    Default Old School Mods

    Hello Turine and all who read this,

    I've been enjoying the game thus far, thank you. I would like to know if DDO will move away from Eberon at all and implement some of the OLD SCHOOL mods. I think the older base would love to play The Hand of Vecna or The Temple of Elemental Evil.

    I have read similar threads about this before but I was just curious if this was going to be implemented. It would certainly attract more players.

    I own a Gaming store in Jersey and a lot of people say they don't play DDO because this content is not available. Meanwhile they play other MMO's.

    I think it would be a great expansion package to include some of these modules whether they are Eberon or not. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Dori; 07-31-2007 at 03:36 AM. Reason: mis spell
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  2. #2
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    depends if Turbine has a license to do DnD In general in their game, or if they are restricted to the Eberron setting only. if they are, then i doubt we would see anything outside of stuff in the eberron world.
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I think it would be cool to see some of the older particular, the Tomb of Horrors. One of the problems with implementing those old modules would be the fact that some parts of them might be hard to implement, though it would be awesome to get to fight Acererak...

    I wouldn't want to have them be a major focus of any update, but having one or two put in every so often would be nice.

  4. #4
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    I hear about this alot .. Is it a race/class thing or just a setting? I am a little confused why it matters. I don't much about D&D, I am a fan of the MMO, could be called people and caves for all I care. So what would change?

    Edit* Well no, people and caves sucks lol ..

  5. #5
    Community Member Shecky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dori View Post
    I own a Gaming store in Jersey and a lot of people say they don't play DDO because this content is not available. Meanwhile they play other MMO's.
    Which gaming store? Where? I only ask because between myself and two friends, we've got north Jersey covered.

    As for the "this content is not available", let's face it - when you get enough people involved, especially the hyper-picky gamer crowd, there will ALWAYS be people dissatisfied with SOMETHING or things in the game. Doesn't matter what you do with it.

    That being said, the problem does usually come down to licensing. WotC probably has DDO limited to Eberron. Rules-wise, it appears to be based on Eberron and on anything that's not setting-specific (Magic Item Compendium etc.), but if it has to do with a place or a mythos, it's Eberron. Given WotC's super-neurotic behavior concerning licensing recently (e.g., yanking Code Monkey Publishing's license away for e-Tools, the best character/monster/treasure/adventure generator/updater out there), it wouldn't surprise me if they don't have something excessively tight-assed in place regarding DDO's licensing.
    Last edited by Shecky; 07-31-2007 at 06:14 AM.

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