Antithesis the Faith Healer
Level 14 Human Cleric
Stats:Strength: 10
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 12 - 32 Point build
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 18 +3 (Levels) +2 (Cleric Wisdom II) +1 (Human Adaptability Wisdom I) +6 (Dragon Helm) +2 (Tome) = 32 or +11 Mod
Charisma: 16
Level 1: Mental Toughness, Empower Healing
Level 3: Extend Spell
Level 6: Improved Mental Toughness
Level 9: Extra Turning
Level 12: Enlarge Spell (For Buffing)/Empower/Maximize/Heighten - it's up to your preference
Enhancements (Points):
Cleric Divine Vitality I (1)
Cleric Life Magic I (2)
Cleric Energy of the Zealot I (3)
Cleric Wisdom I (5)
Cleric Improved Empower Healing I (7)
Cleric Prayer of Life I (8)
Cleric Extra Turning I (9)
Cleric Wand Mastery I (10)
Cleric Life Magic II (12)
Cleric Extra Turning II (14)
Cleric Divine Vitality II (16)
Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I (17)
Cleric Improved Empower Healing II (21)
Cleric Life Magic III (24)
Cleric Energy of the Zealot II (26)
Cleric Wisdom II (30)
Cleric Divine Vitality III (33)
Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life II (35)
Cleric Prayer of Life II (37)
Cleric Energy of the Zealot III (40)
Cleric Life Magic IV (44)
Human Adaptability Wisdom I (46)
Cleric Wand Mastery II (48)
Cleric Energy of the Zealot IV (52)
Cleric Prayer of Life III (55)
Cleric Divine Cleansing I (56)
NOTE: I decided to focus this more on the healing side than the mana pump side. To focus as a mana pump, just grab the Extra Turning enhancement to boost the number of DV's you have per rest shrine.
Spell Point Capabilities:
430 Base Level 14
110 Energy of the Zealot IV
231 Bonus Points (Level 12 + 9) x Max Wisdom Modifier
150 Item of Wizadry VI
110 Mental Toughness + Improved Mental Toughness
Total: 1031 Max Spell Points