Currently the first aligned enhancement for armor is Stability. Which seemed nice back in the first days of DDO, +2 Ac and Saves if you are Neutral - nice!.
But then it turns out that it is a resistance and defection bonus. Not a huge deal, until named static items were added to the game, along with increased chances of random items like protection and save items. That do not stack.
Suddenly, the True Neutral character has this nifty enhancement that becomes obsolete at level 5 or so once they get the Tangleroot +2 save cloak, and also at level 6 or 7 once they get the Deleras Iron Manacles or Threnal Spectacular Optics. Or just random items you can find.
I believe Stability should be altered so that it is a non-typed, or Sacred enhancement, so that it stacks with Deflection and Resistance items. It is only +2 so it is not overly unblanacing, but would be nice for a Neutral character - who currently cannot use a great many good weapons that have the pure good enhancement.
With the prefix/suffix system, many good weapons exclude a true Neutral character.
Weapons of True Neutrality could be added as well. Against alignments one step removed (Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Good) it would do an additional d6, two steps (Lawful Good/Evil or Chaotic Good/Evil)2d6.