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  1. #1
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    Default Weapon/armor enhanement - True Neutral

    Currently the first aligned enhancement for armor is Stability. Which seemed nice back in the first days of DDO, +2 Ac and Saves if you are Neutral - nice!.

    But then it turns out that it is a resistance and defection bonus. Not a huge deal, until named static items were added to the game, along with increased chances of random items like protection and save items. That do not stack.

    Suddenly, the True Neutral character has this nifty enhancement that becomes obsolete at level 5 or so once they get the Tangleroot +2 save cloak, and also at level 6 or 7 once they get the Deleras Iron Manacles or Threnal Spectacular Optics. Or just random items you can find.

    I believe Stability should be altered so that it is a non-typed, or Sacred enhancement, so that it stacks with Deflection and Resistance items. It is only +2 so it is not overly unblanacing, but would be nice for a Neutral character - who currently cannot use a great many good weapons that have the pure good enhancement.

    With the prefix/suffix system, many good weapons exclude a true Neutral character.

    Weapons of True Neutrality could be added as well. Against alignments one step removed (Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Good) it would do an additional d6, two steps (Lawful Good/Evil or Chaotic Good/Evil)2d6.

  2. #2
    Community Member UriahHeep's Avatar
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    I could not agree more. Neutral has become rather useless in the game. Shield of faith doesn't stack with it either. They could rename stability to be a "dodge" bonus, I believe dodge stacks with itself.

  3. #3
    Community Member Shrazkil's Avatar
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    Im hoping for items with "greater stability" +4 deflection and resistance.

    Still attainable as good or better, but nice to have in one slot.

  4. #4
    Founder joker965's Avatar
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    Default Sure

    Quote Originally Posted by Shrazkil View Post
    Im hoping for items with "greater stability" +4 deflection and resistance.

    Still attainable as good or better, but nice to have in one slot.
    This would be a possilbly fair change but it might be too much.

    Changing stability to stack would be a totally unfair and unbalancing change. It would take us back to the early days where 80% of characters were being created TN.

    P.S. You realize that there is a very large advantage for level 1-7 with stability right?
    Anything that doesn't kill us can still hurt really bad.

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  5. #5
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    I play a true neutral character and I agree that it would be nice to have some more Neutral-friendly loot. Don't forget that by being neutral you are immune to alignment damage.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Laith's Avatar
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    axiomatic (burst)
    anarchic (burst)
    holy (burst)
    unholy (burst)

    all without UMD, all without negative levels.

    less damage/immune to some effects from spells with "evil", "chaotic", "lawful" descriptor (currently: Unholy Smite, Chaos Hammer, Order's Wrath).

    greater stability might be nice, but really the fringe benefits of being neutral are amazing. if you have UMD: TN is STILL the best alignment in the game.

  7. #7
    Founder Riggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joker965 View Post
    This would be a possilbly fair change but it might be too much.

    Changing stability to stack would be a totally unfair and unbalancing change. It would take us back to the early days where 80% of characters were being created TN.

    P.S. You realize that there is a very large advantage for level 1-7 with stability right?
    However, any melee type cna get a high enough armor class to avoid a lot of damage anyway. Having a little extra advantage at level 5 isnt really much of an advantage. Anyone who is power gaming and taking nuetral for a new character probably wont be low/mid level for more than a few days anyway.

    At level 14 however, having a stacking +2 bonus would not be hugely unbalancing, but it would certainly help.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Knightrose View Post
    Don't forget that by being neutral you are immune to alignment damage.
    Not immune to all alignment damage. True chaos, true law, and pure good affect those that are not of chaotic, lawful, or good alignments, respectively. True neutral is vulnerable to all three of those. Four if you count pure evil that some mobs have (different than unholy).

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