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  1. #1
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    Cool Various Wep and Costume etc Reqs


    I'm relatively new to DDO but used to play PnP a lot: Some observations....

    1) Although the splash screen has an "elven hottie" robe with a plunging neckline, in the game, my elf looks like Gramma Quaker.

    I really think some hotter outfits should be available for robes; maybe even some magic shorts, quasi anime style

    2) I think given the nature of the audience there should be some 18+ servers where the chars can have more risque outfits than in the standard game; it sorta reminds me of the Harpie censorship from back in the PnP games when they took all the (3) topless monsters out...

    3) I think there should be blood and damage effects on the is a sword game after all... i think there should definitely be blood (on the walls? ) and limbs flying....

    This gets back to the 18+ server.. Maybe on the 18+ servers (or modes doesnt even have to be a server could be a setting) there would be more damage shown and or hotter outfits but CoC would remain the same ( so could just be a setting)

    4) I think having a greater and lesser bullwhip would be fun and could be used by clerics and mages...

    Would love to slap the kobolds around with a +2 Flaming Bullwhip!

    5) I think the drow are really too powerful and it's like a Master Race or something. In PNP there was debate about the drow but my recollection is that the drow took more XP to level up and some other disadvantages..

    Here it's like once Drow is unlocked that's all people play and they aren't racially balanced like the other races...

    6) Like to see Half Elf and Monks

    7) Love the fact that the game (appears to be) written in C#? Or is it just the launcher

    Mage Of Soma

  2. #2
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    dont forget the robes that the sorc is wearing on the cover of the game... i'd like to see whips too.... get myself a whip carrying paladin... castlevania in DnD!

    I know half-orcs are coming soon, I think they said half-elves and monks would be coming next year... along with druids.

    I'd love to see more blood and gore.... I have that setting to max on NWN when i play it.
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  3. #3
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    Default Add some spice

    All for some fantasy outfits; robes, armor, thigh high boots, vest,variable hemlines, slits skirts, etc. Some that could even distract/bluff the foes. Could still be done in a tasteful way that wouldn't be anymore offensive than dancing in you DDO skivvies.

    Not sure I'm ready to see a dwarf in a thong though.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kitamus View Post
    Not sure I'm ready to see a dwarf in a thong though.
    Or a speedo.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
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  5. #5
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    well the dwarves are pretty ugly in this game...

    if you think a dwarf in a speedo is bad, try swimming as a female mage in a robe.

    it's like looking at gramma from behind..... makes me wanna gack.

    have to swim in skivvies from now on....

    Other thing I'd like to see is some entertainment spots, maybe a public monster fighting arena where people can watch, various spectacle type zone out zpots,some various musical spots, maybe a red light district where you can "catch" something the cleric might need to cure (for maybe a +2 charisma enh for a quest?)

    Also some various games etc for socializing etc besides just killing monsters

    Mage of Soma

  6. #6
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    Now some clothing would be cool but we dont really need blood splashing or limbs flying in dnd you dont cut off limbs unless your using an alternate crit system or a sword of sharpness, for the combat stuff you are asking for check out age of conan its not dnd but its gonna be pretty cool.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
    Community Member Ekental's Avatar
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    I would NOT like to see a WF with their various attachments.

    A dwarf would be pretty low on my list as well.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    Now some clothing would be cool but we dont really need blood splashing or limbs flying in dnd you dont cut off limbs unless your using an alternate crit system or a sword of sharpness, for the combat stuff you are asking for check out age of conan its not dnd but its gonna be pretty cool.

    Well my thinking on that is that blood would splash around on a good hit (and hit walls maybe -- add some color to the interior) and limbs would fly off only when it was a death hit just as it goes into the death dance where it's dead anyway...

    that way no mods needed to hit system or modelling a guy hopping around on one leg...and attack damage modifiers...

    If it's a death hit a limb would fly off if it's a critical death hit (5% chance?) a head would fly off...

    BTW it was my gf that originally asked for the limb flying/blood etc since she wants to be a fighter.... gals today..go figure...they want to fantasize about hacking stuff up!!

    But I think it's a good idea too hence the request

    Last edited by MageOfSoma; 07-29-2007 at 04:35 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MageOfSoma View Post
    Well my thinking on that is that blood would splash around on a good hit (and hit walls maybe -- add some color to the interior) and limbs would fly off only when it was a death hit just as it goes into the death dance where it's dead anyway...

    that way no mods needed to hit system or modelling a guy hopping around on one leg...and attack damage modifiers...

    If it's a death hit a limb would fly off if it's a critical death hit (5% chance?) a head would fly off...

    BTW it was my gf that originally asked for the limb flying/blood etc since she wants to be a fighter.... gals today..go figure...they want to fantasize about hacking stuff up!!

    But I think it's a good idea too hence the request

    Still not dnd and waste of dev time that could be spent on content again if thats the kind of stuff you want check out conan me I want content here not fluff. but to each his own.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  10. #10
    Founder Sojourner's Avatar
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    Yeah, it sounds like you're going to prefer the Age of Conan game to this one -

    1. More RP style clothing, more variety of clothing, and more hotties.
    2. Rated "M" for mature, but doubt that will keep the kiddies from playing (and may actually work against them, luring less 'mature' players in)
    3. More graphical effects in combat, including some blood effects and special finishing blows.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    Still not dnd and waste of dev time that could be spent on content again if thats the kind of stuff you want check out conan me I want content here not fluff. but to each his own.
    Not sure how declaring "something" is not dnd makes it so.

    In your opinion that's fine.

    But this isn't "D&D" -- It's a graphical simulation of a pen and paper game.

    I'm sure in P&P people were imagining some gore and the computer simulation should reflect that.

    Once again I had said it would be an option, so people could choose whether they saw the gore or not.

    This game is a "big tent" with lots of races and classes, and the wizards get lots of cool graphics effects and the fighters really don't.

    I think they should. That doesn't mean all the fighters should go play Conan for gore and just have wizards around here.

    You're entitled to your opinion of course.

    That way people can choose what style of D&D they see. If you don't like it that's fine you can leave it checked off.

    As far as "waste of dev" time..blood in itself would be very straightforward to implement, the limb damage would take longer of course.

    I don't see how graphics you see all the time are a "waste" of time.... As far as Conan who knows but throwing out suggestions as "go play Conan" and "go Play Half Life" doesn't seem that helpful on a forum for suggestions for this game.

    Last edited by MageOfSoma; 07-29-2007 at 06:11 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member Neferi's Avatar
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    Uh, no. I like the armor and clothes just the way they are. It's nice to see everyone covered up in serious-looking armor that looks like it's actually made for fighting. It's a relief to find a game that actually seems to take both genders seriously instead of forcing females into the same old cheesy outfits.

    I've also noticed that this game tends to attract generally mature and intelligent players (there are, of course, some exceptions), as opposed to games where females are objectified. I'm sure that's just a coincidence though

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Tenkari Rozahas View Post
    Or a speedo.
    They actually had speedos and thongs during beta. Sadly they were petitioned for removeal

  14. #14
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Maybe my fighter wants to wear a chainmail bikini...

    Maybe they should make the male character's faces look less like they got run over by a mac truck and more like pretty boys...

    Would a chainmail your haggle...or just your waggle?

    there are at least 2 sexes playin this game...guys like to play female characters because they have to look at bummz all day...

    Why do female characters not pplay more male characters, by the same reasoning...?

    Chunky, monkey, run over by a mac truck body styles, tired, lumbering almost exhausted run graphics...

    besides, when I wake up in the morning, the last thing I want to see is tired, drawn male characters faces...that always seem to look bruised.


    or nipples.

    Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 07-31-2007 at 08:30 AM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MageOfSoma View Post
    Not sure how declaring "something" is not dnd makes it so.

    In your opinion that's fine.

    But this isn't "D&D" -- It's a graphical simulation of a pen and paper game.

    I'm sure in P&P people were imagining some gore and the computer simulation should reflect that.

    Once again I had said it would be an option, so people could choose whether they saw the gore or not.

    This game is a "big tent" with lots of races and classes, and the wizards get lots of cool graphics effects and the fighters really don't.

    I think they should. That doesn't mean all the fighters should go play Conan for gore and just have wizards around here.

    You're entitled to your opinion of course.

    That way people can choose what style of D&D they see. If you don't like it that's fine you can leave it checked off.

    As far as "waste of dev" time..blood in itself would be very straightforward to implement, the limb damage would take longer of course.

    I don't see how graphics you see all the time are a "waste" of time.... As far as Conan who knows but throwing out suggestions as "go play Conan" and "go Play Half Life" doesn't seem that helpful on a forum for suggestions for this game.


    Been playing dnd for more then 30 years and only the kiddies seem to want to have limbs flying off and blood and I doubt if would be all that straight forward to add to what we have already and more graphics like yiour talking about would slow some people down and its a teen rated game not mature as the games with extremely graphic gore. as I said its not needed or really wanted here.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  16. #16
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    Seems like some people want it and some people don't.

    Same with the outfits. Hence the word "option".

    That's all I have to say about it since to repeat each others positions ad infinitum would be silly.

    I think the option should be there, and some people agree, and some people don't. Very simple.

    Mage of Soma

  17. #17
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska d'Orien View Post
    Been playing dnd for more then 30 years and only the kiddies seem to want to have limbs flying off and blood in my opinion and I doubt if would be all that straight forward to add to what we have already and more graphics like yiour talking about would slow some people down and its a teen rated game not mature as the games with extremely graphic gore, which would explain why you said add an option box. as I said its not needed or really wanted here in my opinion.
    Fixed it for ya Uska
    Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
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  18. #18
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    walks in... wanders around. tries to delete post.

    EDIT: darn it... it still doesnt work.
    Last edited by Ziggy; 07-31-2007 at 02:20 PM.
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