Devs, please build a quest around the following weapon:
this weapon right here
I am not gonna say HOW you should do it, just want to see what you would come up with. I will keep it in the bank till the quest comes out.
Devs, please build a quest around the following weapon:
this weapon right here
I am not gonna say HOW you should do it, just want to see what you would come up with. I will keep it in the bank till the quest comes out.
the quest with the most midgets that i know of at any given time is the one outside the bogwater tavern in house p...purge the heretics i think its called...and yes, i've got a new midget beater and i need a quest to use it!![]()
Dreadbringer::DreadEngine::DreadCountes::DreadWarrior::DreadMaster::PinkyDiddles::Lennal::DreadMistres::DreadMatron::DreadCherub::DreadKing::More Coming!
No, no, no, it has to be ALL midgets, and all lawful ta boot!
Besides the request was to build a new quest, not to point me to an existing one.
I have a Warhammer like that, +2 Anarchic of Greater Halfling Bane, though, I'll be damned if I can ever find it![]()
I have one of those in a Shortsword. Quite handy for when your Halfling Paladin gets sassy and backtalks.![]()
.....So you want to beat up Paladin and Monk Halflings... I think before we give you a quest with tht combination that first we have to implement some of the Halfling Feats. Like Swarm Fighting, Counfound the Big Folk and anything else.
How about assaulting a monestary... ya know this could go bad for you. I just have this vision of halfling s coming over the wall with knives...
or worse than that
Have ya ever seen the Mummy Returns? Remember the pygmies rampaging over the badguys near the end...
ps: Please understand that my gaming group often laughs about a game we did involving the Halfling Death Squad... the DM still cringes when we mention it.
Eberron halflings tend toward the chaotic side of things.
But maybe we could get some Boromar Clan action going on... I mean they are organized crime, right? That could be lawful.![]()
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