Well, now that the Holy Sword spell has been out for paladin 14s a few weeks, does anyone actually use it? Why or why not?
Expected possible answers:
A. No, I don't have a paladin 14.
B. No, my paladin never tried it.
C. Yes, I tested it a few times and hated it.
D. Yes, I use it in quests against monsters with DR/Good+Cold Iron
E. Yes, I use it in quests against monsters with DR/Good or DR/Cold Iron.
F. Yes, I use it in quests against evil monsters.
G. Yes, I use it in quests against monsters.
H. Yes, I use it in quests against slimes.
I have been hunting in-game for paladins who use this spell, but haven't found any yet...
Follow-up question
If you have a pal14 and do not use Holy Sword, what would it take to get you to cast this spell? Any of the following?
[ ] Stacking material components
[ ] Same material component for different weapon types
[ ] Material component remains after casting (like a "focus")
[ ] No special material component (generic pal4 spell comps)
[ ] No material component at all
[ ] Weapon is Holy Burst
[ ] ... Righteous (on a +5)
[ ] ... Righteous (on a +4)
[ ] ... Pure Good
[ ] Other __________