Server Combo: Thelanis, Tharashk, Xoriat
Population styles: Suburban, Rural, Rural
Focus Graphcs By Comparison
Broad Level Ranges
==== Tharashk
== Thelanis
Economy Driven
== Xoriat
========= Thelanis
Forum Presence
=== Tharashk
=== Thelanis
===== Xoriat
Guild Driven
===== Tharashk
== Xoriat
== Xoriat
Older Crowd
==== Tharashk
== Thelanis
=== Tharashk
=== Xoriat
==== Tharashk
===== Xoriat
== Thelanis
======== Thelanis
Server Cameraderie
============= Tharashk
=== Thelanis
===== Xoriat
Specialty Guilds
==== Tharashk
===== Thelanis
Veteran Players
=== Tharashk
======= Xoriat
Swimming Index: Minnows, Catfish, Barracudas
Server Compatability Analysis:
Strongly Matched Interests - Forum Presence, Server Cameraderie
Culture Shock - Events, Powergaming, Specialty Guilds, Veteran Players, Swimming Index
This is perhaps the most controversial matching of any of the server mergers. Looking at the figures, it would initially seem that these three entities have very little in common, if not opposite interests. On the contrary, there is a certain beauty to the manner in which these three servers have similarities and that is: their shared capasity to be exteremely social. Thelanians are a zany lot who welcome 'tourists' to their realm readily, and spend their days partying together. Tharashkians have long been hanging out together on their own private forums. Xoratians of course being the 'Sparta of DDO' are close knit and talkative with one another. So the potential that these three outgoing groups can come together for one massively proud group is there. All three being forum social butterflies, the three factions will find many more forum socialites to mix with. The biggest adjustment for the Xoratians will be pride. Tharashkians tend to be easy going and varied in their interests, other than their interest in mingling with each other. Thelanians are very passive about their capabilities, simply existing as they exist, and not speaking too often of it other than welcoming others to join the party. Xoratians however are accustomed to being very vocal and proud of their accomplishments and sense of community. For Thelanians, adjusting to folk who take their game a bit more seriously will take time. The only group that will be predominantly unscathed by this merger will be the Tharashkians, who were more or less accustomed to being among different interests in the first place. Another adaption for the Xoratians and Tharashkians are events and roleplaying. To many Xoratians the idea of being in the game, but not playing the game (i.e. questing/raiding) is foreign. To Tharashkians, a wacky party-style atmosphere may be something new. There has been expressed interest from both sides to investigate both events and roleplaying, but this also means a learning process, and period of time where they will determine of they enjoy - or loathe - the experience. In the end, those who partake will continue to, and those who don't will simply not.
The Swimming Index has repeatedly been referenced in regards to these groups of players - the 'minnows' and 'barracuda's in particular. Fortunately, minnows are small, and the Barracudas prefer larger prey. The unique aspect of minnows is their exceptional patience, and skill with the /ignore feature. One who now swims these waters must simply learn where the Barracudas habitate, where the Catfish are mingling, and where the minnows are schooling, and tred to the area they'll be most comfortable in. Some folk prefer a little more bite in their servermates anyway. On the whole however, if the Barracudas find the waters to be too tame and not hold anything worth feeding on, they will swim to more sutable feeding grounds thanks to the joys of server transfer, as can the minnows or catfish for that matter.
Original Server Profiles: Thelanis, Tharashk, Xoriat