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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Lightbulb Craft skills &/or Prestige Class's

    Anyone know if there are any signs of craft skills or prestige class's in the future? I think the ability to craft/enchant items is something that is missing from DDO, and would help to round it out.

  2. #2
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Crafting iis due sometime this fall.

    I personally don't think they will incorporate Craft "skills" per se but I hope they will implement Crafting of magic items as close to PnP as possible

    Prestige Classes ... no definate word yet. They should be coming but not til after Druid and Monk


  3. #3
    Community Member nabrendel's Avatar
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    It is on their plate of things to do.
    I can't remember exactly where it is in the forums but if I remember right
    it goes a bit like...

    maybe expansion to 16
    monk + half orc
    maybe druid

    in order of when we can expect to see things.. but again thats just the off the cuff response.

    in short its coming but when, noone knows :-)
    and prestige classes are already in the game.. warchanter(insert sarcasm)
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  4. #4
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nabrendel View Post
    and prestige classes are already in the game.. warchanter, etc
    THose most definately are not Prestige Classes... in fact most of those bonuses replicate feats of one sort or another... the Enhancment system does not replace true prestige classes


  5. #5
    Community Member MeNorel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    THose most definately are not Prestige Classes... in fact most of those bonuses replicate feats of one sort or another... the Enhancment system does not replace true prestige classes

    So true and not one boost to the much beligered Ranger class.

  6. #6
    Community Member nabrendel's Avatar
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    actually both warchanter and virtuoso are both, in fact, 3.5 PnP prestige classes. I know I have played the first and DM'ed the latter.

    That is what the sarcasm was for.. they aren't fully fleshed out prestige classes, because you do not get BaB, save, hp, and skill increases, but you get similar abilities. i.e. the special stuff
    Nabrendel Shadowmoon 16.4 Wizard
    Kiaransalee Moondancer 10.3 Cleric
    Shuri Darkonnen 5.1 Barbarian 2 Ranger 2 Fighter
    Sunzu Li 4.3 Monk

  7. #7


    If you don't go to a trainer and take it as a class when you level, then it isn't a Prestige Class. I don't care what the name of the enhancment line is.

    But, based on the enhancement lines, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for Prestige Classes, which makes me a sad, sad person.
    Last edited by negative; 07-27-2007 at 02:59 PM.
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  8. #8
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    It does seem like Turbine is trying to create the prestige classes through the enhancement system. It is sort of the easy way out because it obviously takes less programming hours and they can shoot out enhancements faster than they could an entire prestige class.

    However, if this is how Turbine is implementing prestige classes I think it is a mistake. A huge mistake. The game would be a lot more interesting and have a lot more possibilities if they implemented full prestige classes. A few specialized enhancement paths just don't cut it.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by nabrendel View Post
    actually both warchanter and virtuoso are both, in fact, 3.5 PnP prestige classes. I know I have played the first and DM'ed the latter.

    That is what the sarcasm was for.. they aren't fully fleshed out prestige classes, because you do not get BaB, save, hp, and skill increases, but you get similar abilities. i.e. the special stuff
    So DDO has sort of artificial prestige classes...sort of.
    Last edited by Ghoste; 07-28-2007 at 01:04 AM.
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  10. #10
    Community Member JD2134's Avatar
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    Personally i would like to see all the collectable turn into crafting items. Since most players dont pick these items up it might give renewed value to them. Maybe If you need x item that produce a flame or flaming burst effect you hit the collectable items in the burning city or the mine in the desert for the item to craft with

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