Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
He didn't really seem to contradict me. He also specifically said he wasn't talking about smaller-than-12 groups.

He pointed out that in most cases you have a better chance of getting raid loot with the current system. I have been in many PuG raids and I don't think I have ever seen all 12 people roll for 1 item. Usually depending on what drops maybe 4 or 5 people will roll on each item. There are exceptions where mathmatically you have a better shot at loot with new system over the old system assuming a full team. But there are few pieces of raid loot that everyone wants and as I pointed out earlier there is a difference between not rolling on something and simply giving something away that is already yours. Aside from guildies I don't see why anyone would give thier raid loot away. Like the change or not there will be a decrease in raid loot and even in a full 12 man party you have a less chance of getting something.