R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watchingInformation from devs ______________Member of Cupcake's Muskateers!____/wearing a Jiffy Pop pan tinfoil hat made by shecky
I can't explain to you the number of times I've ran in and out of the Desert in search of the bloodstone.
In all seriousness, you need to increase at least the drop rate of the chest if not the drop rate of the bloodstone. Out of the over 50 times that I've seen the chest drop, I've never seen the bloodstone come out of that chest.
The item itself isn't THAT good. It's only +6 Seeker bonus. Maybe if it was Seeker +10 or more, then it should be as scarce as it is, but this is ridiculous.
Please take a look at the drop rate of the Bloodstone and do something about it.
Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
- Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
- Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
- Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
- Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
- Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.
It's far superior to many items of binding raid loot, so it should be hard to get... in some way.
However, it's bad for the game that the best way to get an attractive and powerful item is to run out to a certain spot in the desert over and over hoping for a 30% chance of a weak mob spawning to get a 1% chance of a Bloodstone dropping from his chest.
What they should do is MOVE the Thirsty One to be the end-boss of a new quest / quest-chain which will have a higher chance of dropping a Bloodstone at the end (or as a static reward option). The drop rate would be a lot higher, but you'd need to do a lot more questing to actually get a chance at a pull.
Yes it is better, only because of the slot that it works in, but there are nice trinkets that could be used that are sacrificed by using a bloodstone. In the end it's only +18 Damage on the Greataxes that I use and +24 on the Heavy Picks.
It would go nice with the Sword of Shadows. I could use the Marilith Chain from the DQ, but I don't want to take a negative level...which is ridiculous in my mind because that armor is THAT good.
I dont know but when I read the mail received immedaitely following the update there was a story about the bloodstone. Cant remember all the details but know it said the chest is guarded by a Mummy. It makes me think they moved it.
Overall , It would be hard to believe that anyone has tried more than I to obtain a bloodstone. I have seen one drop in the last 5 months and that was one week prior to the update.
The one I do have I got the first time I visited the desert. Nearly 9 months ago. it does seem the drop rate is very very low.
but again , did anyone else get the sense they moved it?
Look on the bright side, you get ancient bronze tokens. I'm up to over 4,500 looking for the Bloodstone![]()
Fighter: Stormn, Timid | Sorcerer: Tims the Enchanter | Cleric: Timing is Everything | Archer: Timbow | Ranger: TL
Pally: Timely | Monk: Tarro | WF Wiz: Tymn | FS: Timmel | Barbarian: Timgar
how can you not believe it.
I are a ninja
R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watchingInformation from devs ______________Member of Cupcake's Muskateers!____/wearing a Jiffy Pop pan tinfoil hat made by shecky
True, the Marilith Chain is quite weak (like most raid armors, aside from the Kundarak Delving Suit). When module 3 was initially released the Marilith Chain was borderline decent, because the True Neutral UMD-20 Rogue builds could wear it for a bonus to confirm crits. Wearing that armor hurt their AC, but hopefully they were avoiding aggro anyhow.
Ironically, the very same update which boosted Seeker items to have a damage boost and be actually worthwhile also nerfed the Marilith Chain by prohibiting Evasion in non-light armor. Thus rogues could no longer afford to wear it.
(Basically, the only classes rather likely to have a non-good alignment are those with UMD as a class skill, meaning rogues and bards. But rogues cannot wear Marilith Chain because it prevents Evasion, and Bards can't wear it without Arcane Spell Failure)
Yeah I was reading that, but I think it was just a dev pointing out how much we hunt for it. I also think that the drop rate was far greater before they made the change to seeker. I know so many people that got their bloodstones before the change was made. If you got yours 9 months ago, then that was before the change was made.
The chest is still in the same spot, and the chest pop rate is still the same (almost as rare as the bloodstone itself).
Haha, I said the same thing to my guildies. I'll have 20,000 bronze tokens by the time I find one.
Then at least I can roll for a piece of **** armor for all my efforts at looting a bloodstone.
Anyone know what the highest end stuff is that you can roll for with the tokens?
Yep, if only I were true neutral. Personally, I don't care much for AC on my barb because I have other ways of mitigating damage, and I focus on those. I would take the AC hit on the Marilith Chain if it wasn't for the neg level. Though weighing my options here I would lose some saves possibly, some HP, maybe a BAB. It might not be all that bad to wear the chain.
took me about 30 total runs to get mine 2 weeks ago...chest is there about 35% of the time..so that was 8-9 openings ...who knows maybe you got to roll a 100..... i try to run there 5-6 times a day...crack the chest 2 times and just hope for another...nice item...but I do like the Head of Good fortune for my umd types
I suggested at one point that seeker would be a nice effect to see on goggles. It would mitigate the overwhelming desire for this one item, similar to how the appearance of protection on random loot mitigated the desire for spec ops.
Yes, but is the bloodstone still in the same chest? Perhaps they moved the bloodstone to another location.
I'm still hunting for this myself. I was out there last night and the Thirsty One is still a skelly, not a mummy.
FYI-- We ran it 5 or 6 times and the chest popped once, coughing up some lovely ML4-6 loots.
/death counter
You have died 67 times.