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Some of you say we need crafting, that it will give us something to do besides questing, and to a very limited extend, you are correct. Problem is, it would seem you don't understand how crafting in D&D works at all. Joe the Fighter can't go and make that vorpal or paralyzer or greater whatever bane weapon he wants. Jill the Rogue can't either, nor can Krushem the Barbarian. Crafting magical items in D&D is a very different thing then you are used to in other MMOs, you don't just walk up to a trainer and learn the basics then go off and gather materials and then work your way through the crafting tree. First off, you don't generally make the base items used to make magical items, you buy them or have someone else provide them to you for enchanting. Then you spend time(days at least), money and XP to enchant the item. In PnP this is very simple and quick and mostly painless, except for the XP loss, you simply get with the DM, tell him what you are doing, he makes sure you spend the proper money, makes a roll or two, then says 'ok, it's done' and it's done. Now, in DDO, how exactly would you like this to work? You go to create something that's going to require 10 days, does that mean you can't play the character for 10 days? 10 hours? 10 minutes? What time frame is used? Oh..and did I forget to mention that you can't just learn how to craft by talking to a trainer..no..I did mention that..but I wasn't clear on what that means. It requires FEATS to craft magical items in D&D, oh, and the ability to cast the magical spell/s required for the enchantments going into the items. Brew Potions, Craft Magical Arms and Armors, Craft Rods, Craft Staffs, Craft Wands, Craft Wonderous Items, Forge Rings, and Scribe Scroll...which is already ingame in an altered(mutilated) form. And like I said, you must be able to cast the spell/s required on top of having the feat required so it's only casters who'll be crafting magical items.