With the server merge coming, it can only mean one thing, less people are playing the game.
The biggest problem I hear is the lack of content. For the "casual" player this isn't a problem usually. It seems to be a problem for the Hard Core players.
Therefore, "Hardcore" content needs to be available, no? Adding a quest here and there has only kept the casual player happy. The hardcore player rips through those new quests, usually straight to elite, and have everything ransacked by weeks end, leaving them waiting a couple of months for new content to experience.
So here's a simple(?) idea. Add a new level difficulty: Hardcore. (So you now have Solo, Normal, Hard, Elite, Hardcore).
What is Hardcore? My thoughts were either the mobs go up another notch, or you keep it the same as Elite and remove Raise Dead/Resurrections. Maybe even remove all the shrines or at least remove the resurrection shrines. Maybe on death, you get booted or your stone get teleported to a jail cell.
Basically, HardCore tests your skills to the max to see if a party can complete the quest without any deaths.
The reward? Maybe +1 loot (at least +1 loot to end rewards). Maybe another level of favor, and a third tier of favor rewards that mean something to the HardCore player, something truly good and uber, considering your will have to do quite a number of quests without dieing...
This would instantly "add" a hundred new quests to play and at least a dozen or more at the end game.
Lets face it, the hard core player already rips through any quest out there. Why not add an "insanely difficult" level to the quests because frankly, elite is "meh".