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Thread: Perform

  1. #1
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Perform

    I know this is a ongoing discussion, and if there is another thread like this, I apologize in advance for not seeing it.

    Fascinate having a perform check per rules is given.

    How about every rank of perform adds 6 seconds to beneficial songs and 2 seconds to offensive songs. This is factored in last, after lingering song.

    I know I can hit 47 perform at L14 with virtuoso, and all bards should be hitting 40-50. So lets use 50 with my idea to see how it ends up.

    50 perform X 6seconds = 5minutes
    50 perform X 2seconds = 100seconds

    So with lingering song II and virtuoso I have 6min songs now, this would make it 11 minutes. I normally sing courage and greatness 2-3 times between shrines. This would save me 2-4 songs, which would be used for song of freedom, suggestion, fascinate, or competence.

    I believe having a 50 perform give you the equivalent to 2-4 more songs being balanced.

    Other option could be a straight 2 seconds per perform, with lingering song factored in after.


  2. #2
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    <3 Dev Tracker
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    I'm currently also looking into ways of having a character's Perform skill have an effect on your songs - it's likely that that will somehow play into song durations, so there's no need to panic about fascinate durations yet.

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