My guild is soooooo going to kill me for postiong this to Turbine but what the hey

What about having traps that do not immediately fire when set off. For instance, it is literally quite common for groups to send in their rogue to pop a trap since they normally duck and avoid 99% of the damage.

However, picture this scenario and the shear joy and terror it would bring to the players...

Party sends in the rogue and said rogue pops the chest (after looking all over for the traps). Not seeing any traps, the rogue calls out for everyone to come as it is all clear. Then 5 sec to 30 secs later (maybe 1 min), the delayed trap fires off, leaving a bunch of speared corpses strung all over. Or burnt husks of dwarves. You pick.

Thoughts? Other than I am truly evil (my wife tells me that on a daily basis).
