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  1. #41
    Community Member Jket's Avatar
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    Aug 2006


    The whole point here people is that the forums is not full-proof. Not alot of people look at the forums compared to the amount of people playing.

    Putting the LFT (looking for trades) with the Auction would just lag the auction house more then it already does when alot of users are doing it. The simpliest and best way to implement this idea is to copy resources. Use the LFM and duplicate it into the LFT. Take out the non-neccesary items from the LFM for the LFT and just make it one LFT per person and you can do it by first posted. Once the trade is done that person can take down their post.

    It is that simple, it would stop LFM cludder and make a great addition to the game. But, is Turbine out there to hear us?


  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Hokiewa View Post

    What?.....Discussion is now off the table? Mad Bomb has it completley correct. The social panel is currently a drain on system resources and adding an lft tab to it, would compound the problem.
    somehow you cant comprehend what i'm talking about. i'm talking about the number of dev hours needed to implement such a code. i'm NOT talking about the amount of resource that the system needs to sort out the trades.

    you have it completely WRONG. which part of DEV RESOURCE do you not understand?
    Last edited by Aranticus; 07-23-2007 at 01:41 AM.
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  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Jket View Post
    The whole point here people is that the forums is not full-proof. Not alot of people look at the forums compared to the amount of people playing.
    But, strangely enough, I'd wager the number of people who look at the forums is pretty high compared to the amount of people interested in trading.
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  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    But, strangely enough, I'd wager the number of people who look at the forums is pretty high compared to the amount of people interested in trading.
    heh heh.... alot are there to flame and troll... cant really do that in the marketplace can you? too obvious
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