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  1. #21
    Community Member samhuinn's Avatar
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    Maybe the Social Panel isn't the best place for it, but it is definitely something I think should be added. And from all the threads about it in the past month or so, it looks like most people would agree.

    As for it detracting from the AH, I don't see that happening at all. People still want money, and the AH is where they will make it. Even people wanting trades will buy an item off the AH for that instant gratification if the item is available and the price is right. I see it not only as a boon to the players who don't spend their lives staring at the AH, but as something to help build the community as a whole. Something we all admit is probably the best part of DDO.
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  2. #22
    Community Member mrtreats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    This doesn't belong in the who panel.

    It wouldn't be a bad addition to the game, but that's the wrong place to put it. It should be an adjunct to the auction system. You should be able to ask the auctioneer about what kinds of trades there are available and get a list.
    I 100% agree with MT here it should be handled at the AH then you can also drag and drop the item you wish to trade rather than type it out.
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  3. #23
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    I am all for a special location for this kind of thing. It is annoying to see in the LFM panel, but if it had its own place I would use it. As it stands now the use the LFM panel as an ad space is annoying.

  4. #24
    Community Member Jket's Avatar
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    I totally agree Aranticus. I would not care where it is in the game. Just there. Doesn't matter if its in the social panel, or at a desired NPC. I believe this just need to be implemented due to the fact that theres not enough people on the forum to see desired trades. Why not be able to see trades in the game so the WHOLE server can see what you have and need/want.


  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by blakbyrd View Post
    I am all for a special location for this kind of thing. It is annoying to see in the LFM panel, but if it had its own place I would use it. As it stands now the use the LFM panel as an ad space is annoying.
    Not in the LFM panel. Just make a new, seperate panel.

    The LFT (Looking for Trade) panel.

  6. #26
    Community Member Hokiewa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    Agreed. The Social Panel lags bad enough as is trying to sample all the data to compile the Who tab (yes, it was half fixed, but still bad. And I still search for 'none' to save myself from lockups when using the Social panel.). I do NOT want DDO to auto-search and list a couple dozen trade requests when I check to see which guildies are online. It could be the same mechanic/code as LFM, but needs to be accessed elsewhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    lets not discuss about where it should be placed. as long as its there, i think most of us will appreciate it

    lets not discuss about the diversion of dev resources. afterall, if turbine can give us dance2, showhelmet on/off and other "non-game" related functions, then they can devote some attention to a trade panel
    What?.....Discussion is now off the table? Mad Bomb has it completley correct. The social panel is currently a drain on system resources and adding an lft tab to it, would compound the problem.
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  7. #27
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    I guess the system resources bit has me convinced. An NPC or "Up for Trade Message Board" may be more in order.

  8. #28
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    a Trade channel would work for this as well...

    So like the general, loot, or party channel you could have the trade channel.

    just my thoughts...
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  9. #29
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    Waste of resources.

    Much simpler use of resources? When you start up, there is a message, something like:

    "Use of the LFM for trade messages is not allowed. People who want to post trade messages please use the forums or post trade text in your comment section"

    Many people don't know the comment feature. Or the forums. This would allow for both.

  10. #30
    Community Member Sensei's Avatar
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    The who pannel is not the best place for this being that everyone thats not annon is listed there. Also you cant expect all the people who dont go to the forums, and just play the game on a somewhat regular basis to know to use this. Where as all of us forum users may do this, a LFT pannel is so self explanitory there would be no problem there. Now whether or not its on the social pannel is not something that will make or break.

    I think it would be fine to put it elsewhere just as long as it is very easily accessed. If it is an active thing that you must be online to show your trade then it has to be somewhere that can be checked while in quests and such. If it is a system that allows your trade message to be kept then I can understand puting it in an area like the AH. I would much prefer a pannel though. And the system recources argument doesn't do much for me because I believe the developers have the responsibility to ensure the games playability (whether they have been sucessful in these areas or not).
    Last edited by Sensei; 07-20-2007 at 12:53 PM.
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  11. #31
    Community Member aurus33's Avatar
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    I totally agree to the addition for something that lets us trade, I know that some ppl is telling that if you want to get some items or sell, the AH should be the place, but I disagree with that.

    I have a trade thread in my Marketplace server and I still place on the AH lots of items, but there are many times where I got an idea to get an item, I always can just put in my Player Note and everyone who's browsing the who list will see it... IF they actually click in my name, otherwise they wont never know that I got some kind of text in the first place.

    An interface where I can see in real time what are other players offering, so that everytime I log in with X character the note will go live and I'll start advertising.

    I'll stop using the AH.. no, I'll stop my trade thead... no

    Different ppl use different ways to look for things, its just another tool with a different perspective on how to trade items...

  12. #32
    Founder akla_thornfist's Avatar
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    i would not put it with the auctioner never been to a trade auction, I would make a trade house you go to the npc at the trade house post the trades you have and what your looking for, pay a fee when the trade is complete.
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  13. #33
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conejo View Post
    and it takes absolutely nothing to use the tools we've been given.

    if Turbine has limited developer resources as is, why not use what already exists?
    You mean like the forums?

    Seriously though, If you are going to use what is already there, it should be the comment section of the who panel or the forums. These are both allowed. LFM and LFG have a different purpose.

    IMHO, Turbine should add one or more of:
    • A LTT panel that holds trade information only while you are online.
    • A Trade feature to the AH that will facilitate trades while you are offline for a fee.
    • Access directly to the forums from all taverns. This could make the Trade forums more accessible and possibly give the taverns a drawing point.
    Last edited by ahpook; 07-20-2007 at 05:09 PM.

  14. #34
    Community Member DKerrigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by akla thornfist View Post
    i would not put it with the auctioner never been to a trade auction, I would make a trade house you go to the npc at the trade house post the trades you have and what your looking for, pay a fee when the trade is complete.
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  15. #35
    Community Member Kire's Avatar
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    /signed. Great idea


  16. #36
    Founder Grettir's Avatar
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    Default Good idea

    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post

    I guess the system resources bit has me convinced. An NPC or "Up for Trade Message Board" may be more in order.
    You could make it similar to the Founder guilds fountain in Aspirant's Corner;

    Go and click on it and see what hs been posted for trade or post your own. Maybe put it in the taverns as a "bulletin board" type of thing. If you want to deal, message the person by tell or e-mail. This would be better than what we have now, in my opinion.
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  17. #37
    Community Member Kire's Avatar
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    It would be better as another tab in the social panel. wouldnt have to go anywhere in particular to look through the trades. No offense to anyone bbut some ppl are lazy ^.^ like me.


  18. #38
    Community Member Sensei's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kire View Post
    It would be better as another tab in the social panel. wouldnt have to go anywhere in particular to look through the trades. No offense to anyone bbut some ppl are lazy ^.^ like me.

    LOL I feel ya there man. I like things easy and convenient.
    Sensei Ryley
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  19. #39
    Founder Guildmaster_Kadish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    It would be an easy addition to the social window.
    It would be over 30 times as difficult to add it to the auction house.
    Furthermore, it would be far easier to access in the social panel than at an auctioneer. If such a window was put in at the auctioneer... not much would change.

    People would still throw up their trades in the LFM because far more people will be checking the LFM than will be AT an auction house at any given moment.

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  20. #40
    Community Member Conejo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    You mean like the forums?
    i mean exactly that.

    if we're going to argue about what is the easiest way to implement a way to post you have items for trade, the forums are already implemented.

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