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  1. #1
    Community Member Jket's Avatar
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    Default Cry for Help: Trading Only Tab in Social Panel

    Come on everyone, let's get this going already so maybe they will notice us and consider this awesome idea. We all know we just want a seperate tab to post a "LFM" like message with a trade.

    C'mon Turbine give us something we want!


  2. #2


    This doesn't belong in the who panel.

    It wouldn't be a bad addition to the game, but that's the wrong place to put it. It should be an adjunct to the auction system. You should be able to ask the auctioneer about what kinds of trades there are available and get a list.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    It wouldn't be a bad addition to the game, but that's the wrong place to put it.
    It would be an easy addition to the social window.
    It would be over 30 times as difficult to add it to the auction house.

    Turbine has limited developer resources as it is.

  4. #4
    Community Member Conejo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    It would be an easy addition to the social window.
    It would be over 30 times as difficult to add it to the auction house.

    Turbine has limited developer resources as it is.
    and it takes absolutely nothing to use the tools we've been given.

    if Turbine has limited developer resources as is, why not use what already exists?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    It would be an easy addition to the social window.
    It would be over 30 times as difficult to add it to the auction house.

    Turbine has limited developer resources as it is.
    Well it could be pretty much the same interface for all I care. But it should be initiated by a conversation with an auctioneer, not by pulling up the "Who" window.
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  6. #6
    Community Member DKerrigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    This doesn't belong in the who panel.

    It wouldn't be a bad addition to the game, but that's the wrong place to put it. It should be an adjunct to the auction system. You should be able to ask the auctioneer about what kinds of trades there are available and get a list.
    I think you meant the grouping panel (?) but why not put it as a comment in the who panel? Each character can enter as many items as there are characters available for in their comment and just post it there?

    The problem with using the LFM coding as it is now is that the trade messages wouldn't persist after you logged off and you'd have to repost them every time you logged on.

    I think this idea is somewhat useful, but should be a bulletin board near the auctioneer that allows you to post an item with 4 lines to say what you want for it. Each character is allowed a maximum of 3 trades at any given time and they expire after a week, at which time you can repost. Looking at the trade lists in the Server forums, that volume of equipment, plus the stuff people have been hoarding that they may want to trade would be enormous.
    Mr. Potatohead...MR. POTATOHEAD!!! Backdoors are NOT SECRETS!!!

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  7. #7
    Community Member Sensei's Avatar
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    I would rather it be easier to get to than an auctioneer. The current LFM system shows how basic it is to post what you want to trade, so that people can PM you if they want what you've got. Though there are some good ideas coming about like what happens when you log off and such, I am looking at what could be done sooner than later. The more details we get into the longer it will ever be to get us this type of system, if we ever do.

    I would much rather they give us SOMETHING until the more difficult is developed. Even if its an extra LFM pannel adjusted to be an LFT (Lookin For Trade) we could all benefit more than with what we have now ingame.
    Sensei Ryley
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  8. #8
    Community Member Jket's Avatar
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    Default umm.

    Social Panel is the whole thing that is brought up when you hit the "O" key. Not the Who list. The Who list is in the social panel dont mix these up.


  9. #9
    Community Member DKerrigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
    I would rather it be easier to get to than an auctioneer. The current LFM system shows how basic it is to post what you want to trade, so that people can PM you if they want what you've got. Though there are some good ideas coming about like what happens when you log off and such, I am looking at what could be done sooner than later. The more details we get into the longer it will ever be to get us this type of system, if we ever do.

    I would much rather they give us SOMETHING until the more difficult is developed. Even if its an extra LFM pannel adjusted to be an LFT (Lookin For Trade) we could all benefit more than with what we have now ingame.
    Character comment in the who panel immediate enough for you? The only problems there are you have to have /anon off so people can read it, it goes away when you do, and people have to wade through everyone to find your post, if they don't know about it. The pluses are that if they know you trade there they can search for your name and pull your entry up right away, it's accessible to everyone, everywhere as long as you're logged on and can be modified at will. Oh, and the biggest plus of all...ZERO DEVELOPMENT HOURS TO IMPLEMENT! Woohoo!!!

    As long as you're not using the LFG function of the who tab to explicitly advertise that you're trading (i.e. not really trying to join a group) I don't see what the violation is. If you're LFG for 4 straight hours with a trade comment you can't really argue if someone reports you.
    Mr. Potatohead...MR. POTATOHEAD!!! Backdoors are NOT SECRETS!!!

    If you're going to fortell DDOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!, do it right
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  10. #10
    Community Member Balthazar_No_Oni's Avatar
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    Wont happen. People will just use it to sell thier **** and avoid AH fees. Turbine want the auction house to pull plat out of the economy. USE THE TRADE FORUMS!!!! Obviously you can find the forums..... :P
    Chairman of the Mabarian Citizens Against Trading in LFM Association.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Balthazar No Oni View Post
    Wont happen. People will just use it to sell thier **** and avoid AH fees. Turbine want the auction house to pull plat out of the economy. USE THE TRADE FORUMS!!!! Obviously you can find the forums..... :P
    Which is why I could potentially see this happening as an Auction House Adjunct system. Presumably there'd be some kind of posting fee for putting things up on the Trade Board. That would be more in keeping with Turbine's already-implemented approaches to this sort of thing.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Jket's Avatar
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    Well Balth, maybe you haven't noticed but not even close to 25% of MY server visits the forums let alone the Riedra Marketplace. So that makes things a bit difficult. Your logic had good intent but it isn't full proof. People can see trade threads if its in the game they're playing.

    Auction house is a good way to get PLAT. The whole point of a new trading social panel would be to get a specific item(s) for your item(s).


  13. #13
    Community Member Nexx's Avatar
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    There is no doubt in my mind that the AH will still be 100% used IF a trading slot was made for those who would like to trade without having to wait. And yes like Jket stated.. not everyone in our server uses the DDO Forums as a means of communication to others. A lot of people still love to use the AH because the prices get jacked up higher and higher each bid and you tend to come out with a load of plat/gp but some of the other people just don't have the time to sit around the AH to bid....(get outbid) (get outbid)... you get the picture.... so I absolutely think this idea is great and would love to see it put in, in the near future. Definetly would see a lot of happy ddo'ers ^_^ so bdawg you have my support 200%!

    Laughing at you G.

  14. #14
    Founder Vardak's Avatar
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    Yep seems like a good idea to me. I believe the AH serves a different market than this kind of trading anyway.

  15. #15
    Community Member DKerrigan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vardak View Post
    Yep seems like a good idea to me. I believe the AH serves a different market than this kind of trading anyway.
    You can only get 20 million gp less 30% AH fees so many times before you don't want to sell anything...(or can't with the gp limit)
    Mr. Potatohead...MR. POTATOHEAD!!! Backdoors are NOT SECRETS!!!

    If you're going to fortell DDOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!, do it right
    Member of Cupcake's Muskateers (/wiggle)

    Do you know what time it is in Tokyo right now? It's the future.

  16. #16
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jket View Post
    Well Balth, maybe you haven't noticed but not even close to 25% of MY server visits the forums let alone the Riedra Marketplace. So that makes things a bit difficult. Your logic had good intent but it isn't full proof. People can see trade threads if its in the game they're playing.

    Auction house is a good way to get PLAT. The whole point of a new trading social panel would be to get a specific item(s) for your item(s).

    But you still need a way to take Plat out of the economy. A good idea but needs to have a charge attached to it.

  17. #17
    Community Member Jket's Avatar
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    To be honest if there was a plat charge for each time you make a TRADE POST. I would pay it in a heartbeat to get word out there that i want an item for one of my items!


  18. #18


    i believe the OP comes with good intend. look into the forums and you see countless of players ranting abt not being able to trade in game. i agree that for item - plat trades, the AH should be used. however, not all trades can be measured in terms of plat. players might want a particular item for one that they have, its not possible to do the advert ingame.

    please do not give me the "use the marketplace forum" argument. for one, you'll not be able to get the attention of all the server players as not everyone have forum accounts or do not post frequently. player post trades in lfm because they can reach a larger audience and hence a higher chance of a successful trade.

    lets not discuss about where it should be placed. as long as its there, i think most of us will appreciate it

    lets not discuss about the diversion of dev resources. afterall, if turbine can give us dance2, showhelmet on/off and other "non-game" related functions, then they can devote some attention to a trade panel

    /signed for LFT
    If you want to know why...

  19. #19
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Well it could be pretty much the same interface for all I care. But it should be initiated by a conversation with an auctioneer, not by pulling up the "Who" window.
    Agreed. The Social Panel lags bad enough as is trying to sample all the data to compile the Who tab (yes, it was half fixed, but still bad. And I still search for 'none' to save myself from lockups when using the Social panel.). I do NOT want DDO to auto-search and list a couple dozen trade requests when I check to see which guildies are online. It could be the same mechanic/code as LFM, but needs to be accessed elsewhere.

  20. #20
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    Make it a tab in the social window.

    People can tab themselves as LFT (looking for trade) and they can type a short description of the desired trade.

    You can be LFT while in a party playing and question.

    All it would need to be would be a simple list.

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