Can you fix it before hand? before the next push this is a pretty big deal to those that use it. Its major user experience issue now.
Can you fix it before hand? before the next push this is a pretty big deal to those that use it. Its major user experience issue now.
Elmerius De Destroyer - (L14 - FINALLY) - Cleric
Illystra - (L14) - Ranger
Odgar - (L 14 - CAPPED) - Dwarven Fighter
OdgarTwo - The Sequel - Quicker, Stronger - TANKIER! (L 14 - Capped) - Dwarven Fighter
Yes, I was rather looking forward to these announced changes, but yesterday, after seeing how things were, was the first time I actually quit playing and decided to wait it out till stupid things like this were fixed. I guess I'll be waiting till the next hotfix.
While you're at it, did anyone look at any of these things? Inventory items are all skewed also. I can see having unknown server issues when updates come out, but how does a server affect these things?
Actually, this is a hugh deal. It's sad, but I'm hoping this last patch had exploits in it so there may be a hotfix and this issue might be fixed with it. If you noticed I posted about it 3 mins after the servers came up, has hugh impact on how I play.
Last edited by Snike; 07-19-2007 at 11:42 AM.
By "next push" I meant "the next time it can immediately become available to the customer" (including hotfixes). I'd be out of line saying when that would be (Samera would have my head), but I will say this - we are very sensitive to this issue and right there feeling the pain with you. Many of us play nightly like you. Hold fast friends for you are heard!![]()
Last edited by Lasker; 07-19-2007 at 01:39 PM.
R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watchingInformation from devs ______________Member of Cupcake's Muskateers!____/wearing a Jiffy Pop pan tinfoil hat made by shecky
Mr. Potatohead...MR. POTATOHEAD!!! Backdoors are NOT SECRETS!!!
If you're going to fortell DDOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!, do it right
Member of Cupcake's Muskateers (/wiggle)
Do you know what time it is in Tokyo right now? It's the future.![]()
Thanks Lasker for the clarification.
This is one of the first dev posts I've seen in a long time that is brief, honest and informing all at the same time.
If you ask me, I think Samera should loosen her "grip" on this kind of communication with the community. It would go a long way in answering a lot of our fears.
The DDO forums resident kobold.
STOP PICKING ON US!!!!! We don't pick on you. Ummmm..... nevermind.![]()
I for one appreciate your honesty and sincerity on the matter. There was also another post by a dev claiming ownership of the june / july 4.2 release date error. His courage to come out and say "it was my fault" has bought him a pass in my book.
If u guys at turbine committed every online sin in the book but came out and said hey, we are sorry about that and are trying to fix it as soon as possible
If you were:
responsible and claimed ownership
communicated these issues with us in a timely fashion
and let us know that we are being heard (even if what we say cannot be acted upon)
You would get a pass "everytime" with me.
Its sad when red tape becomes so thick that it hinders our ability to interact and enjoy/appreciate the thoughts, successes and failures of two parties.
Somewhere amongst all the code and money there are people on both sides of these moniters. each side seems to forget that all to often.