Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
one of many quests in the game that has far too low xp for its level. Getting 3k xp for a level 10 quest on elite is quite wrong when level 5 quests give as much as or MORE xp on NORMAL.
We playing the same game?
The one where you can get to maximum level in under a week? The one where people zerg thru the quests to max lvl and then complain of lack of content because they leveld up too fast to enjoy the low lvl stuff?
Cuz i dont think we are.
If anything, DDO need all quests to be lower xp.
And dont say this quest on elite is harder then this higher lvl quest on normal.. Thats not the purpose of elite. Elite is not JUST +2 levels. The only purpose the +2 levels serves is a small xp/loot boost. Actualy difficultly cant be rated in levels. Lvl5 quest on elite could be much harder then a lvl20 quest on normal. Thats just how it is.
I agree that the xp given for quests should be lowered across the board, however that does not mean that the xp for this quest should not be adjusted in comparison to other quests of similar length and level, and difficulty.
Other than the 1st week the mod came out I know I do not see very many LFM's or LFG's for Artaxias Haven period. My opinion is that this has to do with low overall xp and rewards (i.e. loot) compared to the realative difficulty of these quests. I am not saying that these quests are difficult by any means, they are not really if you are prepared but the difficulty vrs. the reward is very low.
Personally I feel that xp rewards should be looked at and restructured to better reflect the realative difficulty of the various quests and that on the whole the xp rewards need to be lowered.
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
Now I'll admit, you've probably already discounted my opinion because I'll admit I have a lot of higher end gear. However, even now in DDO, there is still a player skill component in game play. Melee builds are heavily equipment dependent while casters are significantly less so.
I think the real issue here is something that hasn't quite (yet) been stated clearly. It's about experience - specifically with that quest. The difference between Reclamation & most of the Gianthold quests is that the GH quests have been run and re-run innumerable times by a lot of people - RECENTLY. A lot of people have put some time into working the best tactics to do the areas. On Reclamation, few run it - I may have been on it as many as three or four times total since it's been out.
Another thing to mention is - Arcane Casters (and Divines too) are starting to come into their own. Starting with module 4 - and 7th level spells plus others at 5th & 6th, we started picking up the flexibility to be able to adapt to just about any situation. Reflex based save spells are still a weak point (Web has some limited effectivness - and raw damage does work), but I tend to focus on the enemy type and what it likely to work - going with Willpower versus Fortification based spell effects. I'd also question whether you learned your lessons from Relics - did your caster remember Touch of Idiocy or any of the other no-save debuffs? Failing against SR? Get an item, they drop often - ANY caster has access to +3 via enhancements and if you have to, Wizards get a LOT of feats, use one. If you can't find the items, buy them - I throw extras on the AH all the time. It's relatively easy to get up to a base 20+d20 to bypass SR (max is currently 24+d20).
But again, the real core issue is direct experience with that quest - the difficulty of all the GH quests was higher until we learned how to run them best and most efficiently...think about Trial by Fire - an easy run for most groups that you make even easier by throwing the lever to get the last chest BEFORE the pit chamber gets a lot of enemies and BEFORE you d-door out to return and get it last.
Just thought about a something to add - your point that you've re-stated a few times is that it should be worth more experience compared to quests like the Gianthold. You may get your wish - most players seem to feel that the GH quests provide too much experience. Any re-evaluation would undoubtedly include a reconsideration of quests providing too much experience. They don't *ALWAYS* make it bigger - sometimes it's the baseline definition that's the real problem.
Last edited by Riorik; 07-18-2007 at 07:57 AM.
Ghallanda ReRolled Naxy-Transil-Kottol-Nax-Riorsil-Riorik-Kaol
barely any damage? I can surive maybe one pass through on my fighter, that is about it, and this is on the normal setting. No I don't have archers or efreeti on me either. So either you have one of those characters with near 500 hp, or I am so missing some tricks. (or it could be that the dice really hates me so I keep failing saves. I know this to be true as well.)
One cure serious potion every 6 seconds just... well, it can't cut it. By the time you chug 2, maybe 3, those blades are back.
Almost 300, and Jerky running, yes. I drop to maybe 250, drink a CSW, hit Shield clickie, drink a CSW, wait six seconds, drink a CSW, she's back.
Honestly, if your fighter can't survive her blades, you're probably standing in the wrong spot. The only people who should have troubles staying up top are arcane casters, in my experience.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Thanks you two. I forgot about the agro of the efreeti with the MM or FM as the case may be.
The bad part (as of this moment) I'm hungry for jerky now.![]()
I was running these last night and had a guildie make the same complaint about the dwarves. This is a very good player who I respect. But there is a mindset about what things should work and those damned dwarves but a major crink in standard tactics.
First off... AoE is a must. Disco Ball, Solid Fog, Web, Mass Suggestion. AoE = no SR.
Second... debuff. Waves of Exhaustion, Symbol of Pain, etc.
Third... Charm. Turn their strength against them.
Bogenbroom's DDO Wishlist Bogenbroom is logged in the wrong account and posting again...Bogenbroom's legion... 6 wizards, 7 melees, 4 clerics, 3 rogues, 2 bards, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.
Khyber's Legends of Twilight (Formerly of Riedra)
It's less than 5 seconds - more like 2-3 maximum. Pretty much, once you hit that platform, if you don't click through the portal as quickly as possible, you spawn them. However, this is not the "safe spot down below".
As an aside, the variant where you stay up top, spam mass heal & melee her tends to work rather quickly - two minutes or less without super gear and probably without any deaths unless you happen to have any 60 HP squishies in your party.
Ghallanda ReRolled Naxy-Transil-Kottol-Nax-Riorsil-Riorik-Kaol