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  1. #1
    Founder Zorlinta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Idea:Updates 4 guilds..

    Well i was thinking that we should have some more things to guilds, something that give more fun to the players.

    Im remember other games that let guild alliances (be friends/enemies with other guilds) and too have a kind of guild ranking/score system.

    So by adding a guild ranking could open more things for guilds, so lets say why not like have a shared guild bank account, or maybe a guild flag, or up to guild pets (summons extra that guild members can use).

    On this idea the guild ranking should increase as the sum of all guild members participation, so each player have a guild points contribution, and the ways to it be earned be 1) on pvp team arenas (those u need parties to get in, where u can combat against other partie/guild) and earning like 1 point x player kill/objective completed, 2) participating on raids: 1 point x guild member that completed the raid.

    And then guild ranks should go like 1000 points to allow shared bank, like 5000 to have a flag, 10000 to have a guild summon.

    Dunno guil summons should be choiced by the guild leader or it could be depending on player levels and extra guild ranks, and it could be like summoned once x quest.

    Im sure that if it someway implemented it will give more fun and activity to stormreach players
    ARGOMABAR Server
    Zorlinta Freespirit- Korlana Malataza
    Yeah, finally updated the signature so?

  2. #2
    Community Member Shecky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Check the Search function and the Dev Tracker - you'll see that some of these things are already in the works. Beyond that, I would very much like to see guild alliance functionality - the only way to coordinate two guilds' activities with any ease and effectiveness is to merge them completely, so something that lets two allied guilds communicate freely would be great. But I'm going to have to chime in against the ranking thing; it seems automatically prejudicial against smaller, more casual guilds.

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