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  1. #1
    Founder riexau's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Hey devs: Why can't we dual wield throwing weapons?

    If it's a graphical limitation, let it be known that I have no problems with not seeing the 2nd throwing weapon while equipped/in flight.

    So... pretty please? It's a core PnP rule; it'd make throwing characters much more entertaining and fun to play. And with the RoF as it currently is, it wouldn't be overpowered.

    Did I mention it'd be fun? Isn't that the whole point of a game?

  2. #2
    Community Member Capstern's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Yes

    That make sense I would like to see that would be way cool like running through the dungeon arms a flailing
    The Ashen - Khyber - Gerbillee (Half 13rg/1ro/2w), Blitzkreig (WF 16w), Chipmonk (Half 16mk), Bandicoot (Df 15CLr) , Chinchilla(WF 16 Monster)- "Go for the eyes, Boo, GO FOR THE EYES! AAAAAAURGH!!" - Kaptan/Hamster/Lemming/Bandicoot all retired - "Terrible Hamster justice shall be wreaked on you!"

  3. #3
    Community Member Darkdominion's Avatar
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    Um...mabye it would be a good idea to actually look at previous threads, at least the ones on the same page. You might have noticed that a bit further down is this thread, which addresses the exact same issue.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fel Whisper
    You, sir, are an evil genius.

  4. #4
    Founder riexau's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdominion View Post
    Um...mabye it would be a good idea to actually look at previous threads, at least the ones on the same page. You might have noticed that a bit further down is this thread, which addresses the exact same issue.
    It took people over 100 posts to get vorpals nerfed (fixed) and over 100 posts to get pk nerfed (fixed). We each need to do our part in order to get throwing weapons nerfed (fixed) by allowing us to dual wield them.

    Course, I didn't see the other thread. And if I didn't see it, there's a good chance the dev's didn't see it.

  5. #5
    Founder riexau's Avatar
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    <crusade begin>

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