This is both minor and simple. I submit it for your consideration without stridently crying for attention in the hopes that it might make sense and get done at some point.
One way clerics can select party members to heal is by using the F1-F12 keys. But these keys do not merely select the character in that position on your character list, they toggle that character. Thus if you hit F2 and that character is already selected, it unselects them. In the heat of battle, it is quite easy to misuse this key such that the needy party member is unselected, does not get the spell that is sent (and the spell is wasted healing the cleric). While this is not a fatal flaw, it does add an unnecessary consideration to what could be a simple process. Since esc clears selections, that is the appropriate way to unselect party members.
So my suggestion is, make F1-F12 select that party member, not toggle the selection of that party member. If it is hit when the party member is already selected, they should remain selected.
I fully expect a series of responses explaining why this shouldn't be a problem for me. I think I am well aware of all the alternatives and for me, it is a problem. I know some clerics click on the names to be healed but I use mouselook. And I do try to keep an empty focus orb in combat and mostly succeed. However, I remain convinced that this is an unnecessary complexity in what should be a very simple process.