They are adding in a magic missile absorption spell for clerics. This will most likely make him even harder ><
They are adding in a magic missile absorption spell for clerics. This will most likely make him even harder ><
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Sunder does work on red names, specificly the Vol Vampire.
Last week my Ranger/Rogue/Fighter hit him with a Sunder, got the black cloud and saw the effect applied in my log. He is of course immune to Improved Trip and Stunning Blow.
Yew says, "Don't worry, I have a plan."
As far as I know this still works. You can melee the vampire until he turns into wolves. Kill the wolves however you want. Once he turns back into the vampire you can no longer use melee weapons. If you do it allows him to do the disappear/reappear trick.
Solid Fog/Firewall/Scorching Ray, end of Vampire.
No more webbing, that was fun
This quest isn't what I would call hard. It was a bit of a challenge back at level 10 with a sub optimal group.
Since then my sorc solo'd it at level 12 on normal just to see how hard it was. Have never got around to trying on elite but I would expect that at the very least it could be 2 manned.
Aeden of Oakvale - Lvl 14 Cleric
Vehdren the Forlorn - Lvl 14 Sorceror
Palaeden of Ashbrook - Lvl 14 Paladin
Webby McBufferson - Lvl 3 Wizard
Thelanis Server
Just to see if I was right I went and tried soloing it on Elite. Was fun, no deaths and one recall for mana.
Maximised and Empowered Firewall, Disintegrate and Scorching Ray. Funny thing was when I finished it I noticed I was carrying a wand in my hand instead of my Superior Potency VI item. Would have been a bit quicker with that on![]()
Aeden of Oakvale - Lvl 14 Cleric
Vehdren the Forlorn - Lvl 14 Sorceror
Palaeden of Ashbrook - Lvl 14 Paladin
Webby McBufferson - Lvl 3 Wizard
Thelanis Server
Well, my only issue with him is, that after they changed how casters and ranged combatants react (i.e. run around) and gave all casters improved mobile spell casting. This guy just runs around like a crazy chicken. He never stops moving, unless he's doing a vampire move (dominate, charm) This makes him hard to pin down and he can throw out some major damage spells as he is almost a CR 17 or 18 in a lvl 11 quest. Normal, he's a punk and dies quick. Hard he's annoying but can still be killed. Elite, he is jack up on goof balls and you just can't keep him in one place. I am no looking forward for him to be immune to Magic Missile and Force Missile with the update coming but he will add that spell to his list of buffs. Right now he cast, Shield of Faith, the Fire Resist. I know Heal, Fireball, Firewall, scorching Ray, Ray of Light all can land some good damage but you have to get him pegged down and keep him from moving around.
Brotherhood of the Blood Xoriat
We are the blood,
We are the madness,
We on Xoriat never used to have a problem even when the cap was only level 10. (and, indeed, that was the only time we ever did it-became kinda pointless save the named items after wiz king came out.) You just need to shield block him while the casters beat the **** out of him.
When this quest was first released, turbine anounced that it was going to be the first vampire. They made him so difficult because he was the pride and joy of turbine monsters before LOTD, Tempest Spine, Warforged Titan, and Giant Hold. I have been with many a party that has gotten wiped by this Vamp. I have been with many parties that beat him by the skin of our teeth. I have also been with parties that stomped him into the ground. It is all in the group, and how it is set up. But a good caster always makes things a bit easier.
Lo there I see my father, and my mother, and my sisters and my brothers. Lo there I see the whole line of my people, all the way back to the begining, in the kingdom of Valhala, where we may live forever.
get him to follow you into the shrine...close the door....and firewall him to death....bring some blindness potions...cause now he moves around so much you cant box him in....try the shrine and just place firewalls and stand in them
Complaining that you essentially can't solo this quest without a caster is...uh...stupid. If it were *meant* to be soloed, it would have that nifty little "Solo" option. Obviously, it's not meant to be. If you can do it, awesome...but complaining to try and get it to where you can? Gimme a break. Whining about a bunch of fighters not being able to take him down with DPS, too? Lame. Many quests in this game simply require a varied group make-up...this is one of those. As another poster stated, he seems to have some mechanic that makes him virtually unkillable in melee after he does the wolf thing. Such is life...get over it and kill him the way he needs to be killed, don't complain that you can't kill him how *you* want to kill him.
For the people who are like "oh no, he may get protection from MM..." So? A Cleric can drop him faster than a Sorc now, anyway. Empowered Healing, Sup Pot VI, and Life Magic IV...then just heal him to death. Throw in a Searing Light here and there for good measure, if you like. Since the healing spells don't have a retardedly long timer anymore, I guarantee my Cleric will drop him faster than a Sorc...not to mention while I'm healing him, I am tossing Divine Light his way, too...14d6 a pop. Just make sure your Cleric knows you have to finish him off with a non-Heal healing spell, since Heal can't kill something.
Stop those s$$t, did you ever try to match him with your cleric?
How can you heal him to death if you *CAN NOT* even target him? Group heal? too bad he always running outside your healing range. Searing light? you know he has far better mobility to dodge your tiny light? Firewall? how can you make the damned whole open area an inferno that can *last long enough* to burn him dead? He just keeping moving outside your firewall, or he just transform into mists and heal him self up to full health again.
That is how we failed last time with 2 lv14 clerics and 2 sorcs.
In short word, if you can't bug him, you might as well go home, standing alive or lying dead.
(No, I wont report how to bug him until Turbine fixed other bugs I reported before. They have too many bugs need to deal with first, this can wait.)
A cleric can take this turkey down. Between DL, Empowered Juiced up HEALs, and Radianced Searing LIght beams, he can be hammered. Sure having a tank or two along to keep him "busy" might help...for a moment, but between the above effects and then finish him off with a Mass CSW to catch him no matter where in the area he is, it can be done.
I have come to the rescue of more than one party who was having "issues" with Mr Vampire Badass and showed them that the power of Light and Good can overcome all that is Evil and Dark!!! A little Deathward, a little Deathblock and some Fire Resist and you should be good to go.
It does not hurt to have your melee's using some silver weapons too...
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
Bah I thought this was going to be a tribute to a fight that's actually still challenging and exciting and not a guarantee.
Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen
Sorry for the thread necro .. but the OP was freaking the heck out of me out as I sat their looking at his badness trying to find any forum info. 200 point cometfalls? Yikes .. that's more HP than I can muster under Dispel scenario.
Anyways .. he went down nice and easy with no 200 point cometfalls. (Is that even possible? did they give him Maximize?)
So not that scary after all .. but what's truly scary in this quest now are the traps (and maybe the odd disco ball) which means you have to be extremely careful. Split second mistake and you're done.
Server Sarlona / MST / Guild Enslaved / Characters Ionos, Cydekik, Xalavan, Rodessa, Hethrow, Ramsteen
Nah, leave this quest the way it is. So you can't solo it at lev 16, big deal, get a couple others that need the favor. The devs need to work on more important things at the moment.