That's the crux, and the reasoning behind why people say the D&D system will never work in an MMO, and why DDO is destined for failure.
I agree, but there has to be a better way to balance the games enemies than just plugging in numbers, and hope for the best, because that's exactly what they are doing when they "bump" the AC,HD, HP, and damages for the monsters as the difficulty increases. if they follow the Normal, Hard, and Elite difficulty pattern, it should be a 1 point increment jump for each one. Instead you see a skeleton in Goodblades quest going from 10 HP to almost 100 hp, from Normal to elite, even with a blunt weapon.
Maybe not THE stats, but at least the system they use. I mean, if they have standard CR for normal, then go +5 AC, +50% HP, +5 BAB, +10 damage, and A,B,and C special abilities when they go to Hard, and +15 AC, +150% HP, +15 BAB, +30 damage, and A, B, C, X, Y and Z special abilities when they go to Elite, at least I know they are using some kind of process, other than a "....+10d6 damage for scortching ray at "hard" looks about right...." method.
There has to be a balancing issue when you encounter something I said previously, quoted below:
Like I said, I'd like at see at least an inkling of a process, preferably mathematical, on how they standardize their Challenge ratings.
Don't get me wrong guys and gals, I love DDO, but I don't even look at challenge rating of mobs anymore, because it's worthless. I attack the mages and clerics first, because I know they have a TON of HP, and I have to beat them down before I get scortching rayed/flame struck/ polar rayed/disintegrated into dust.
It's hard to know your enemy in this game.