Greetings and Salutations!
Here's my wild idea to address the massive amounts of money and loot that people have accrued, which might (just an opinion) be leading them into DDO boredom, stagnation, etc...
Sometime in the future, create an expansion, possibly even making it another realm (I dunno, maybe a Dragonlance-esque creative). Have lots of quests, new monsters, maybe even new character races and classes, new loot, etc.
Here's the key: a character can "transfer" to the new realm (and, possibly, at some point in the future, transfer back), BUT...the character may not transfer with ANY equipment whatsoever, save for a set amount of Platinum Pieces in his pocket (e.g. 20K PP).
A possible way to do the "transfer" might involve a solo quest or quests designed to inform the player of the backstory for the new realm. You could even have it end with the character being required to give up his gear to a "boatman" or a "banker" instead of actually killing a boss to end the quest just prior to the actual transfer. The possibilities are endless.
Once in the new realm, the character no longer has access to any of his previous inventory (it will be stored in Stormreach, for his eventual return if possible, and if he desires to return...also, any equipment gained from the new realm stays there, except maybe 1000K PP, should he ever go back to Stormreach).
After arriving in the new realm, the character first appears in a city of some sort, and is able to purchase equipment, weapons, components, etc. from the vendors there.
After getting geared up, the character finds a party and then adventures! After completing a certain amount of quests or perhaps accruing a certain amount of favor in the new realm, then whatever new races and classes become available to him to create a new character.
I know, crazy idea, but, it certainly would both reinvigorate interest in the adventuring (possibly putting less focus on the looting), and, at the same time, allow the developers to create a parallel world of D&D content!
Just my 2 cents worth.
Kind Regards,