For those who do not recall, they said that they intended to add guild housing sometime late this year or early next year, including benefits such as guild banks. I wanted to keep these suggestions "on the radar", as it were.
I manage our guild bank, and would like to request for following features for the guild bank manager planned for this year. I figured I would suggest these items now, since it is in the future, and this would help giving an idea of a groundwork for some of the things it would do.
The reasons for these items are also listed, so you can follow my reasoning.
- Lock items for withdrawal
By this I speak of preventing items from being withdrawn. If for example, a tome is donated, and it is going to be used for a contest (such as we have done with our guild), you will need to prevent it from being withdrawn.
Another facet of this feature is to have all items to be locked after deposit, automatically, requiring guild leaders to enter the bank and unlock items. This allows review of items before they are available for withdrawal.
- Lock members from withdrawing
If a member is withdrawing more than depositing, a temporary lock from them withdrawing would be good.
- Track withdrawals and deposits
The ability to look at deposit and withdrawals by members, including a tool tip of the item with the level and specifics of it would be good. For example, if you have a credit system, you will want to know if the a person is depositing a lot of high level scrolls as opposed to high level permanent items, since they are the same level, but one is less valuable than the other.
- Accounting system
An accounting system tied into the above, so you can look at who is withdrawing and depositing.
- Sort function by type/slot
Sort by whether items are, for example, trinkets, or by weapon/armor type, or by material (mithril, darkwood, silver, byeshk, etc), or by level, or by value. A combination sort would be even better.
- Lock items from deposit
So that your bank doesn't get flooded with scrolls, potions, arrows, or darts, whatever.
- Set Parameters by rank on what someone can do.
For example, a guild master might be able to unlock or lock items, grant "credit" for withdrawals, prevent bank usage by whoever, etc. A officer might be able to lock items from being withdrawn and lock people from withdrawing, but not be able to unlock the same.
While my guild doesn't do this, you might lock items that are too high level for your character to withdraw (so people don't hoard stuff), or (my guild doesn't do this either) might say that only officers or only non officers can withdraw certain items.