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  1. #1
    Community Member darkgolem's Avatar
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    Default Guild Bank Manager Needs

    For those who do not recall, they said that they intended to add guild housing sometime late this year or early next year, including benefits such as guild banks. I wanted to keep these suggestions "on the radar", as it were.

    I manage our guild bank, and would like to request for following features for the guild bank manager planned for this year. I figured I would suggest these items now, since it is in the future, and this would help giving an idea of a groundwork for some of the things it would do.

    The reasons for these items are also listed, so you can follow my reasoning.

    • Lock items for withdrawal

      By this I speak of preventing items from being withdrawn. If for example, a tome is donated, and it is going to be used for a contest (such as we have done with our guild), you will need to prevent it from being withdrawn.

      Another facet of this feature is to have all items to be locked after deposit, automatically, requiring guild leaders to enter the bank and unlock items. This allows review of items before they are available for withdrawal.

    • Lock members from withdrawing

      If a member is withdrawing more than depositing, a temporary lock from them withdrawing would be good.

    • Track withdrawals and deposits

      The ability to look at deposit and withdrawals by members, including a tool tip of the item with the level and specifics of it would be good. For example, if you have a credit system, you will want to know if the a person is depositing a lot of high level scrolls as opposed to high level permanent items, since they are the same level, but one is less valuable than the other.

    • Accounting system

      An accounting system tied into the above, so you can look at who is withdrawing and depositing.

    • Sort function by type/slot

      Sort by whether items are, for example, trinkets, or by weapon/armor type, or by material (mithril, darkwood, silver, byeshk, etc), or by level, or by value. A combination sort would be even better.

    • Lock items from deposit

      So that your bank doesn't get flooded with scrolls, potions, arrows, or darts, whatever.

    • Set Parameters by rank on what someone can do.

      For example, a guild master might be able to unlock or lock items, grant "credit" for withdrawals, prevent bank usage by whoever, etc. A officer might be able to lock items from being withdrawn and lock people from withdrawing, but not be able to unlock the same.

      While my guild doesn't do this, you might lock items that are too high level for your character to withdraw (so people don't hoard stuff), or (my guild doesn't do this either) might say that only officers or only non officers can withdraw certain items.

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    I remember them mentioning guild housing but dont think they really mentioned any details like guild banks just people asking and hoping for it I like what you have outlined but it might be a little complicated for them to do.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member darkgolem's Avatar
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    Here is a quote from the interview I am thinking about, the portion relevent to guild housing and banking.

    James: Yeah, we have actually got two major systems planned for this year, two major feature additions I should say. One of them is crafting. We have started work on it now, I think the players will really like the way we are doing crafting. It’s different from other games, we are trying to stick with DDO being unique, that we are not your standard MMO.

    One of the purposes we want guild house to serve, is we want to give guilds what we call conveniences. So the conveniences are that a guild can have their own banks, repair merchants, their own auction house vendors, so it’s kind of a one-stop shop. Guilds would have to unlock them, they would have to earn them. Guild conveniences are definitely something we want to be a part of guild housing
    Note any grammar errors are due to my transcriptions, not the interveiwee (sp?). Considering they are both slated for this year, as are half orcs, half elves and monks, mod's 5 and 6 are going to be #@#$@# huge. As in "tell em about the twinkie" huge.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkgolem View Post
    Here is a quote from the interview I am thinking about, the portion relevent to guild housing and banking.

    Note any grammar errors are due to my transcriptions, not the interveiwee (sp?).
    by bank I think they mean the npc thing like we have now that you can access in the market and house k for your own storage only.I hope its like what your talking about though. Since they never have said a bank where guild members can access things placed by other guild members

    Beware the Sleepeater

  5. #5
    Founder Ziggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkgolem View Post
    As in "tell em about the twinkie" huge.
    What about the twinkie?
    R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watching
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  6. #6
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    If they ever add a guild bank, I hope that only Officers will be able to withdraw/deposit items - or they create a new type of Officer called Treasurer.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  7. #7
    Community Member Conejo's Avatar
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    in addition to just items, the Guild Bank should have the ability to deposit and withdraw gold.

  8. #8
    Community Member darkgolem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ziggy View Post
    What about the twinkie?
    Let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of features added to an update for DDO. According to the amount of stuff it seems is coming with Mod's 5 and 6, it would be a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.
    Last edited by darkgolem; 07-12-2007 at 11:50 AM.

  9. #9
    Founder Ziggy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkgolem View Post
    Let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of features added to an update for DDO. According to the amount of stuff it seems is coming with Mod's 5 and 6, it would be a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.
    thats a big twinkie.
    R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watching
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  10. #10
    Community Member baylensman's Avatar
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    I like the idea of a GUILD TREASURER. Anyone guild member can deposit to guild bank, but only treasurer can disperse items. Perhaps a Guild Locker? An equipment only room, when you check an item out it is bound and unable to be sold or traded except back to the GUILD LOCKER...
    Perhaps each guild would name a TREASURER that would automaticlly get MAX bank favor for additional slots/pages

    Sarlona Guild of the Black Dragon
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  11. #11
    Community Member msheaf1's Avatar
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    In EQ2 the guild bank has 4 tabs each of which can be set to it's set of permissions. Each tab also has it's own log for deposits and withdrawls. The permissions work a little better there as there are around 6 or 7 different ranks in a guild instead of the 3 here but it is on idea to ponder on.

  12. #12

    Default the other way ...

    If all that is just too complicated ... then to mean that the "Guild Bank" could mean:

    - just another ATM in the guild house, so that you can access your own bank account while at the guild house.

    - BUT, how about allowing a 4th bank slot for members of a guild that do what it takes to have that ATM in the first place? Whatever the guild has to do to get that ATM, the members then (Somehow) get a 4th bank slot on their characters.

    - maybe, have access to that 4th bank slot available only when at the guild bank, not at the other ATM's around the game?

    Just some thoughts ...
    Officer of X since Beta, now on New Xoriat, (a.k.a. Thelanis)
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  13. #13
    Community Member Club'in's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baylensman View Post
    I like the idea of a GUILD TREASURER. Anyone guild member can deposit to guild bank, but only treasurer can disperse items. Perhaps a Guild Locker? An equipment only room, when you check an item out it is bound and unable to be sold or traded except back to the GUILD LOCKER...
    Perhaps each guild would name a TREASURER that would automaticlly get MAX bank favor for additional slots/pages
    Items bound to the guild. An excellent idea.

    Also, I don't know how logs would work, but a simple way to do it would be to have an entry created when the item is initially deposited. Then if someone withdraws it, it simply tags that character's name to the item listing.

    I wonder how a guild would go about "earning" their guild hall. A good number of the guilds on my server are small (10 members or less).

  14. #14
    Community Member darkgolem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Club'in View Post
    Items bound to the guild. An excellent idea.

    Also, I don't know how logs would work, but a simple way to do it would be to have an entry created when the item is initially deposited. Then if someone withdraws it, it simply tags that character's name to the item listing.

    I wonder how a guild would go about "earning" their guild hall. A good number of the guilds on my server are small (10 members or less).

    If I was to guess, it would be via dragonshards traded for amenities. My guild has laid aside 2 million PP, just in case, but I think that since PP is something that is available via plat sellers (not saying this is good, actually I think plat sales is a bad thing), the way you will get amenities for your guild house (and probably the way you get your original guild house) will be through trading in dragonshards.

  15. #15
    Community Member Magus_d's Avatar
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    I think it might be a bit better to earn your guild housing by favor. Take a simple average formula based on how many members (individual characters, not accounts) and how much favor each member has.

    Since the favor system is already in place there would be nothing new to add, and since dragon shards are already used to respec feats. I'd hate to have to choose between guild housing and feat respec.
    Garyx of the Prophecy "Champion of the Gods"
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  16. #16
    Community Member Affront's Avatar
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    Default Guild bank user

    I have a suggestion for the guild bank and then for the guild house/cave.

    Bank interface

    I would like to be able to mail things to the bank (rather than the bank manager). This lets me and other guildies get things into the bank faster than having to teleport and run half-way across the continent. I don't mind having to go to the bank to withdraw an item.

    Getting to the guild house

    I would like to be able to teleport to the guild house (maybe if we as a group have enough coin lord favor) from any of the usual teleporters. It could be that my individual character would also have to have a reasonable amount of coin lord favor as well. I don't think greater teleport should have access to the guild house as that's more of a party thing rather than a guild thing.

    Vrais, Ten Ton Hammers, Sarlona

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