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  1. #1
    Community Member osirisisis's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Default A way to end plat farming, Increase your bank account and turbines profits

    Most people agree that plat farmers are a problem. Now here's my solution.

    First of all the idea of selling DDO loot and making real money playing DDO is a great one, but due to currency value on a global scale we have plat farming going on in Asia which has destroyed that market.


    Set up a real Turbine Sanctioned Trade wed site where players from north amerce and Europe could trade real money for equipment. With turbine take a legal commission. Great for players who need to make some money great for players with money who want to save time and great for Turbine profit. Everyone wins and Plat farmers R out.
    Asian players could only do commerce with other Asian players.

    If players could make real money playing the game new gamers would come to DDO increasing game play and account profit plus commission profit for turbine. Who in turn would increase game play for games to attract more gamers...........nice snow ball effect.

    [Flaming Tarball]

    Back up plan

    The auction.

    First if an item is put to auction with a starting price of base value and no ones bids on this item there need to be a pentitly for that items poster.
    Plat farmers put an item up for a Gross start price and a gross buy price for 3 days and no one buys it. Then they repeat and do it again until some buy from a plat farm and pays the price which in turn hurts the value of all real players coin.

    People with lots of real money buy lots of plat and then go to the auction house for buy out good. But they may have lots of plat and real money but what we all have in life is the same amount of time. If there was no buy out price people with lots of plat that they bought from a farmer would have to spend there time biding and then at the end it would be the luck of the draw with whoever got the bid in at the end. This would make thing more difficult for Plat Farming supporters because they would have to use there time and there money.

    I see plat farmers biding and buying on the action and then fliping the same item for a starting price of double what they paid for it with a much greater buy out price. No buyout price would hurt this action also.

    No starting price. Guys lets be honest when something hits the auction with an uber item it makes it up to a real price fast. I saw mith +5 full plate go up and it was up to 2000000 PP in the first day. If it’s worth it, the price goes up fast and there is no need for a starting price.

    Now some pure kid in china that sits at the action house all day long and buys and sells stuff to make $1.40 cash for extra rice that night is just wrong. These people R also taking away from the game due to there only intent is to make plat and not play the game hurt real players trying to use the auction house to improve there equment and have a true market place for trading.
    Last edited by Kommunity Kobold; 07-11-2007 at 11:56 AM.
    Toons: Osiriss OsirisRa OsirisRaa OsirisIsisIs IsisRa IsisRaa IsisGoddess

    If I had it my way

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