With the coming of monks, I have been thinking that there needs to be an alignment change possibility in DDO. For example, allow a dragonshard to change alignment as long as you still qualify for all your classes. For example, a ranger/rogue can change to lawful neutral but a pally/rogue couldn't because palidans must be lawful good.
In pnp, alignment changes were possible simply by roleplaying and changing the alignment. In DDO, there needs to be some way to do this as well.
Is there a desire for this? Yes, I think there will definitally be once monks come out as monk should mix well with finesse builds like rogues and rangers. Also, I can see some players wanting to take bard or paladin in the middle to late game but not meeting alignment restrictions.
Only alignment changes within the allowed alignements of a class should be allowed, so no palidin/barbs and whatnot.
This should be a fairly simple mechanic to put in and it would increase people's enjoyment of the game.
What do you guys think about this?