Yes, I understand that to some people, "re-rolling" all the time, is the majority of the fun they have in this game... however to just as many people (if not more) that is quite the opposite.
It seems (to me at least) that Turbine is rewarding those players who share that philosophy by giving us access to more character slots, drow, and 32pt builds... all which require making a new character to take advantage of.
With all of the new and upcoming changes to the game, there is no doubt in my mind that many (if not all) of the "new character features" that will be coming out (like monks, prestige classes, druids, and whatever turbine comes up with) will require us to make a new character to take advantage of it.
Seeing how we have gotten ourselves into a pattern here, and since there is quite a large representation of the player base that does NOT enjoy re-rolling for whatever reason (mine is because I already have fully-geared and capable characters, and they will not be "replaced" by the new additions that Turbine rolls out with).
So my idea to help ease the fact that no matter what an end-content-power-gamer that doesn't like to re-roll, will indeed have to re-roll on down the road... why not make dragonshards or some other new collectible (that drops fairly often) give us the ability to trade bound-items from character to character (not from account to account, so no they are not tradeable, simply transferrable).
I understand this would open up the problem of raiding on one character to help outfit another one of your characters... but if done right, is that so bad?
I find the most annoying part of "re-rolling" isnt the xp part.. it's the "re-gearing" aspect.
Put like a week-timer on it, make it cost 10k-50kpp, require some new collectible, viable but still costly.
Does anyone agree? Have any other ideas/amendments? Am I way out of line here?