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Thread: Guild Options

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Aug 2006

    Default Guild Options

    After reading the "Why do you love DDO" thread, and the general consensus being that people are proud members of their guilds, here's a thought:

    Why not provide more to guilds?

    For example - we will be getting guild housing some time this year. AWESOME. Very cool and much, much needed.

    Next, how about supporting guilds more? Here are some thoughts ...

    Guild Coat of Arms

    Either a cloak, surcoat or perhaps even a baldric (which must be visible) that guild members wear that has their guild's coat of arms on it. Guildies could be "pimping" their guild's colors and letting the world know "Hey, I'm a member of the Knights of the Squared Horseshoe and PROUD!"

    I've got more ideas, but limited time. Let's see what everyone thinks of this one to start.
    Khyber (Formerly of Aundair)
    Keepers of the Arcane

    Kendon Dorak - Level 5 Elven Rogue / Level 3 Fighter / Level 2 Ranger
    Aguila Rohan - Level 11 Human Paladin
    Senshi Silverbane - Level 5 Human Cleric / Level 1 Fighter
    Supremo Swashbuckler - Level 8 Drow Spellsinger Bard
    Ignacio Wolfbane - Level 5 Dwarven Fighter

  2. #2
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    How about when crafting comes around, allow modifications of color to be aded to armor/robes.

    Then you will see an all new surge in guilds like:

    The Stormtroopers (White armor wearing ftrs
    The Raiders (the football team color scheme
    The Bumblebees (Yellow and black banded mail wearing guild
    ...and many more!

    If you dont want to wear a cape, mod your armor colors to maintain your guild pride.

    I can see guild wars over who has the official guild colrs, and a whole new facet of the game opens up.....

    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  3. #3
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Yeah, probably will never happen before we get crafting.

    Though will be interesting to see in my guild, assuming the guild leader gets to choose. Our 'leader' has a pretty odd fashion sense.

  4. #4
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Do you really think people are leaving the game because we don't have team colours or a guild crest? This kind of fluff seems like a total waste of Dev time to me. I'd rather they fix bugs or code game content.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtmouse3 View Post
    How about when crafting comes around, allow modifications of color to be aded to armor/robes.

    Then you will see an all new surge in guilds like:

    The Stormtroopers (White armor wearing ftrs
    The Raiders (the football team color scheme
    The Bumblebees (Yellow and black banded mail wearing guild
    ...and many more!

    If you dont want to wear a cape, mod your armor colors to maintain your guild pride.

    I can see guild wars over who has the official guild colors, and a whole new facet of the game opens up.....


    That would work too.

    Although, I do still want to see my cloak.

    And boots.

    And bracers.

    And ... you get the picture.
    Khyber (Formerly of Aundair)
    Keepers of the Arcane

    Kendon Dorak - Level 5 Elven Rogue / Level 3 Fighter / Level 2 Ranger
    Aguila Rohan - Level 11 Human Paladin
    Senshi Silverbane - Level 5 Human Cleric / Level 1 Fighter
    Supremo Swashbuckler - Level 8 Drow Spellsinger Bard
    Ignacio Wolfbane - Level 5 Dwarven Fighter

  6. #6
    Community Member OKCRandy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Do you really think people are leaving the game because we don't have team colours or a guild crest? This kind of fluff seems like a total waste of Dev time to me. I'd rather they fix bugs or code game content.

    I agree they need to code content and fix bugs, but adding depth of experience to an immersive MMORPG is equally important to some subscribers and therefore should be important to all of us interested in server populations and livelihood of the game. People are leaving for different reasons, I've read about the lack of guild goodies and crafting. Although I've personally experienced neither. If it came down to accepting a month delay on new content in order to get some depth of environment for some that want it, I'd be okay with that tradeoff.

    I'm thinking it would be good to have a guild bank, crest, tavern/house, guild crafting on armour, and as many guild related goodies as can be created for the game. I'm not for adding much in the way of mining/farming/or other chores, but would like to see the collectibles and gem drops, and perhaps metal drops, better utilized/added & expanded upon.
    Home Town Stormreach, Sarlona
    Guild - The Misfits.

    Kahil - lvl 12 Paladin/2 Fighter (Main)
    Alamitra - lvl 11 Paladin (Just Call him the Big Gimper)
    Vitiate - lvl 12 32pt Cleric
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    Coming soon an Arcane Spellcaster or another Paladin.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    Do you really think people are leaving the game because we don't have team colours or a guild crest? This kind of fluff seems like a total waste of Dev time to me. I'd rather they fix bugs or code game content.

    Uh ... I never said people are leaving over not having team colors or guild crests. I said that after reading the other post, it's pretty obvious that 90% or better of the people that play this game are a) in a guild and b) their guild is one of the top reasons they stay to play.

    Bugs are bugs, and I didn't write the code so I have no clue how complex it is to fix them. New game content? That's what this "fluff" is - new game content. Might not appeal to you, but I'd imagine that a lot of players would actually like it. While I believe that the Devs should maintain some sort of a schedule in relation to releasing new quests and things that they come up with along with bug fixes and such, I also think that they should provide their paying customers with things that they request to enhance the game.

    Saying "please give us guild crests and armor color-coding options" is likely a lot easier to provide as opposed to the outcry of "we need a lot more level 14 content and raids immediately or I quit" like a lot of posts have.

    It's called picking and choosing. Seriously, we know they are working on fixing bugs and making new high level content. But it takes time. Lots of time. It will come in time. But honestly, what other MMO gives you new content on a regular basis for just paying your subscription without having to pay for another $40+ expansion once a year?

    That's right ... nobody.

    So, just enjoy what you do get for your money (which, in comparison to the rest of the MMO market, is quite a bit). But hey, a realistic request that hasn't been posted fifteen times in the last hour such as:




    That will honestly probably make more of a mark than crying that they haven't got those issues fixed yet. Do I agree with everything they do and how long it takes for these things?


    Do I think that by requesting something fresh and fun, we might actually see it and get to enjoy it while they continue working on the same junk that everyone else posts ten times a day?

    Last edited by Ken Dorak; 07-05-2007 at 03:18 PM. Reason: Wow, it filtered the rap word with the c in front of it. Odd.
    Khyber (Formerly of Aundair)
    Keepers of the Arcane

    Kendon Dorak - Level 5 Elven Rogue / Level 3 Fighter / Level 2 Ranger
    Aguila Rohan - Level 11 Human Paladin
    Senshi Silverbane - Level 5 Human Cleric / Level 1 Fighter
    Supremo Swashbuckler - Level 8 Drow Spellsinger Bard
    Ignacio Wolfbane - Level 5 Dwarven Fighter

  8. #8
    Community Member sNaKeYeZ's Avatar
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    1) How about the Guild tab sorting all the members by accounts (main+alts)?? It would make keeping up a roster soooo much easier instead of constantly wondering who that new guy is in the guild. Is he so-and-so's new barbarian? Is he a totally new guild member?

    2) How about a guild website blank to fill out so that the MOTD can actually be used for something productive? Why not make the MOTD space bigger??

    IMHO the guild tab UI needs a ton of work before they even think about worrying over guild housing and stuff.

    However, if they could fix the above two issues...

    3) A guild-wide bank would be AWESOME. Perhaps the bank space given could be a direct reflection of number of members within the guild?

    Transgression of Ghallanda
    Morus - Drow Bard, Quercus - 32 point Human Paladin, Snakeyez - 32 point Elf Ranger/Fighter
    There is no "r" in "Ghallanda"!

  9. #9
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    Ok, that was a decent discussion.

    How about this idea:

    What is the one thing that DDO is missing that would give it that "Pen and Paper Dungeons and Dragons feel"?

    How about a Dungeon Master?

    No, I'm not talking about the guy who narrates the quests and voices hobgoblins talking like 5 year old girls ...

    In the DDO-sense, I bet this game would benefit immensely from additional in-game event support to boost the community.

    For example:

    Such and such guild want to have a "guild vs. guild" night where all signed up guilds compete in an event. Certain guilds could even team up to make a multiple guild team (such as my guild, the Keepers of the Arcane and the Dragon Order of Arcanix, who we team up with a lot for raids). Let's say - take down the Warforged Titan. Ok, the idea is that the guild(s) pick their top 12 players to run the raid, and whichever team completes it the fastest is the winner, with prizes being handed out for your rank (for the 3rd place team each party member gets a tasty Kargon ham or something).

    How in the world would this ever work?

    An in-game GM (such as +Sir Lawrence!) would monitor the teams and be the official scorekeeper. They'd also supply the prizes, etc.

    Back forever ago when I played Ultima Online, in-game GMs would work with guilds all the time to put together cool events like this and monitor them and also provide unique and interesting prizes for winning.

    But what about trouble makers? First off, for events - you create an entirely specific instance for those signed up to participate in the event. Should one of those signed up for the event happen to be a troublemaker, what do you do? Boot them back to the marketplace or something.

    It's that simple, really.

    Khyber (Formerly of Aundair)
    Keepers of the Arcane

    Kendon Dorak - Level 5 Elven Rogue / Level 3 Fighter / Level 2 Ranger
    Aguila Rohan - Level 11 Human Paladin
    Senshi Silverbane - Level 5 Human Cleric / Level 1 Fighter
    Supremo Swashbuckler - Level 8 Drow Spellsinger Bard
    Ignacio Wolfbane - Level 5 Dwarven Fighter

  10. #10
    Founder DZX's Avatar
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    I just got back so I am not sure what the plans are for alot of things (I need to do some serious reading).

    But I am surprised that the guild UI is still so basic and has little function. Are we ever going to get the ability to have multiple guild masters? The ability to set more ranks than Leader, Officer, Member? It is highly annoying that no one can do any promoting unless they are guild leaders still (from what I can tell).
    [B]DDO Characters (Ghallanda)
    Fiara {14 FTR} / Usha (14 SOR} / Vesper {10 RGE}

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