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  1. #41
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    Gimpster, if you are bored and don't want to reroll just to rush back to the level cap again, might I make a suggestion?

    There are many ways to play DDO. I myself play it 4 different ways.

    1) Normal play - Probably the same way you do, with guildies and PUGs and so on. This, I expect, is the way you are bored with.

    2) Solo play - Take a character, don't twink. Go through every quest at every difficulty level exactly one time (or one successful time anyway). Never group, do all quests entirely on your own. For extra challenge, do all optionals, get Ransack and full aggression bonus. HIGHLY challenging, and slows the advancement to a crawl (esp because figuring out the exact right generalist build to pull it off is really hard, heh).
    The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
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  2. #42
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    3) Dedicated group - Similar to 1, but generally with no twinking (up to the group). Pretty slow, since you usually only meet once a week. Different than 1 because it's fun to play and advance with the same group of friends every week.

    4) Permadeath. 'nuff said

    I play all 4 of those ways, and each is a totally different experience, even if I am doing the same dungeons. Because of that, DDO has PLENTY of content for me. Hell, I've never even gotten to any of the quests above level 10 (looking forward to them though).

    [sorry for the two posts, the connection I'm on at the moment is really bad]
    The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
    "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    [sorry for the two posts, the connection I'm on at the moment is really bad]
    I was going to say "That's only two!"
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  4. #44
    Founder joker965's Avatar
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    Default A thought

    Wouldn't it just be enough if there wasn't such a huge difference in the loot/time ratio between supposedly equaly level quests? It does not have to be 1-1 but there needs to be some adjustment.

    If level 14 quest A gives me 4 chests and takes about 40 minutes and level 14 quest B gives 2 chests and takes at least an hour there will always be a problem.
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  5. #45
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawiki View Post
    Let me get this straight, some of you are actually proposing that the loot quality of a quest should be based on how many times that quest has been run globally? That may be the most ignorant idea I have ever heard on these forums.

    To fundamentally change the process in this way would be on of the worst things you can do to get people to stop running PoP.

    Ummm... why wouldn't Turbine just rebalance the quest in question?
    First of all chill man, this will never get implemented and it was just an idea. Second, if Turbine drops the chest level by 1 because the quest is too easy there is far too large of a contingent of the player base that will scream nerf. However, if the mechanics of the game re-balance the rewards because we the players have found the quest too easy....

    Quote Originally Posted by Kawiki View Post
    or let time solve the problem, once the level CAP goes up people are not going to be running PoP anyway. When was the last time you saw an LFM for Giant Caves??

    To even suggest something that is so game changing because one quest currently is not balanced and over run is ludicrous.
    Well, POP is not the first quest nor will it be the last quest where the devs miscalculated and created a quest that was simply too easy for the rewards. A solution to solve the problem now and in the future is not that unreasonable. I don't think we are talking about a ransack so nobody gets anything, just a decrease in XP by 25% and a drop in chest level by one or two. The fact you don't like it doesn't make the suggestion of the idea ludicrous.

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