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There's actually already a plotline in ddo that includes a dracolich, we just haven't gotten to that point in the storyline yet.
The plotline I am refering to is the Waterworks>Shan To Kor>Tempest Spine>Vault of Night>Gianthold>Reaver's Refuge
There is evidence that The Truthful One, is behind Sorjek's actions in the Reaver's Refuge. The Truthful One, along with the Ancient Stormreaver, closed off Dal Qour, in doing so, both of their lives were sacrificed. However The Truthful One betrayed the stormreaver at the last moment, using the magics they cast to shut off Dal Quor and destroy the 13th moon of Eberron to become a Dracolich.
In the Reaver's Refuge storyline, The Truthful One made Sorjek into a Lich, and had him gather the six dragon warriors in Stealer of Souls to create an Undead Draconic Army. However Sorjek failed.
What The Truthful One has been up to since is unknown.
There are two major storylines in DDO, the first I mentioned, and the other is the LoTD>Vale>Subterrain>Amarath. Yes, you read that right, the Devils invading Stormreach was the result of the Abbot. At this time I am still unsure of where Demon Sands and The Titan fit, though, the Titan and Inspired Quarter/Dreaming Dark do relate to the Stormreaver/Truthful One Storyline, I cannot figure out where they fit exactly, as while they relate, the events are not as a result of. But then, the storyline isn't a straight line anyway, its more of a web of events leading to each other.
The Truthful One could not have turned Sorjek into a lich if not for us killing him in Tempest Spine, the dragons would not have arrived in stormreach, if not for us killing Velah, the stormreaver would not be in the reaver's refuge if not for us destorying his doomsday device. Additionally, Velah tells us "A terrible Doom is written in Kundarak's Shards", because Velah had already seen what was going to happen to stormreach in the Draconic Prophecy. Yes, Velah knew what would happen to us, and she tried to warn us, but as she said "foolish mortals do you think I sold my freedom for mere greed?" we would not listen to her warnings.
The Truthful One is coming...it's only a matter of time.